Mob heads are for sale in /spawn anyhow.
~ @Jwarian
I had 8 silverfish spawners, which was more than half of the collection on the server, I didn't mind losing their value.
~ @Jwarian
Bias irrelevant. Silverfish spawners in shop = Might as well put dragon eggs in shop.
Glowstone was available as a villager trade exploit, Imo glowstone should have been worth less a long time ago, too much money was added through those itemcase glowstone signs.
~ @Jwarian
You had to take the time to trade and work for it plus villagers are nerfed to heck.
Like I said, you can demonstrate that a few people lost value in their hoarded collections, but you cannot demonstrate that the majority of the players suffered. Because of this, I don't consider your argument valid when you say "destroyed the eco".
~ @Jwarian
The little markets are what matter on this server. We denied "/Grass" which was a suggestion to turn dirt into grass once just so we could save the SUPER SMALL grass market then we decided to ruin all of these markets.
I didnt even mention horse spawners and that made golden carrots along with all horse breeders worthless.
Also guradian temples are now worthless since there are guardian grinders.
Its the little things that matter in this type of server.
I will remind you that the entire Exclusive level of the shop now provides robust economic incentives for dungeon hunters... disprove that.
~ @Jwarian
I dont even know what this means.
Now citizens can get their mob heads without wasting the money they were saving for a town.
~ @Jwarian
Collectable items should not be worthless this comment is irrelevant considering it has nothing to do with buying a town. If anything you can turn it around and now cits cant hunt for mob heads to sell to players for money to buy a town along with earning money in all of the other ways that were ruined due to adding spawners.
Gunpowder helps people make potions and tnt
~ @Jwarian
Both now worthless. You just added on to the worthless item list.
Where are the complaints about zombie spawners making iron?
~ @Jwarian
Rare drops have a 2.5% chance of occurring when a monster dies. They only occur if the monster is killed by a player.
Iron is a rare drop. redstone gunpowder and glowstone are not.