So we understand this came as a surprise to you all. Trust me, It caught us off guard as well.
We thought most things were alright but that was not the case. We were alerted that we have less than 10 hours comply with the EULA or we will be shut down.
We had 2 choices. Shut down and redo everything without allowing you guys on, or go through every permission node for the 10 hours straight and remove what we have to do be compliant.
We spent the 10 hours removing everything we had to, and moving everything we had to in order to comply. We also gathered some ideas to put together to let you know that we will be adding some pretty amazing things to the ranks.
Unfortunately, some perks cannot come back. This stinks for us all and believe me. Fuzzlr pushed very hard with Mojang but they did not budge.
Certain commands WILL make a comeback. We just need to make them available to everyone and purchasable with Meebles. We did not have time to go through all these, or re-add these. We also did not have time to remove the lores on /fixed items however that will be addressed.
Things like fly may become available through hourly buying them with meebles. We just need to go through it all and re add what were allowed to so PLEASE. Have patience.
We are all very stressed about this but these things are not what make Meep, Meep.
We need to pull together and come up with ideas to get this server to be top notch again. This done not come through toxicity or complaining. It comes through maturity and sharing ideas in a organized manner.
Feel free to suggest things but please keep in mind, we have a big list and are working hard to get them done.
We love you all and cant wait to see how everyone comes together!
-Meep Staff.