Member Name Courtneyyy
Additional In Game Names: None
How old are you? 21
Location: Florida, USA
Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 1-4
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 1-4
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's KlutchDecals, DevilSpawn112, Zoe89, Lordusan, Lady_Hestia
When did you join Meepcraft? Around February 2014
Introduction: For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Courtney. I am twenty-one years old and I have a wonderful full-time job at the most magical place on Earth, Walt Disney World! Working at Disney has taught me so much responsibility not only for myself but for keeping my guests safe at all times. Working for Disney I tend to deal with some nasty guests everyday so I’ve developed such a calm demeanor about myself to listen to what is wrong and how may I help make their vacation better. I have also developed patience something I never had before Disney. My job title is Main Street Daily Operations which means I do the parades and I work in the Town Square Theater where you meet Mickey Mouse and Tinker Bell. I can also drive the train around the Magic Kingdom but I am still kind of too scared to do that just yet. I absolutely adore working for Mickey Mouse he’s the best I couldn’t have made a better life choice a year ago to better myself emotionally and physically. I live in Orlando, Florida and I just happened to purchase my first car all by myself a few weeks ago, adulting, pretty sure that’s a verb now. I live such a basic life now and I am so happy with it. I go to work (which never feels like work) and I get to look at Cinderella’s Castle all day long. Okay I don’t really stare well maybe sometimes but don’t tell. I live with two other people they are amazing and so supportive. My male roommate is British and we watch football/soccer pretty much every chance we get. He is a Manchester United fan and I just watch it because I think that it is fascinating. My female roommate works for a pediatrician and is gone most of the time she hates to cook so I usually cook when I have the chance which is fine I love to cook. My life is so laid back and has changed so much within this past year I could write a book of everything I have accomplished. I’ll go into depth in my why section for you to understand me better but I do urge you to read it and comprehend my why section and don’t just skim over it.
Why should you be Helper? Let me start by saying this is my third helper app, but not consecutively, now don’t let me scare you off just yet. I’m going to back up a few applications to my very first helper app, so I was asked to apply by bbycakes (we were bffs). She got me onto this server and I instantly fell in love. She actually happened to be the one who did my interview too it was nice. Later on down the road I applied for Mod it got accepted for interview but life got in the way and I resigned with it still in interview, that’s why it’s in the denied section. A month later I apply again for helper and I literally had my interview the exact same day and got accepted all that wonderful stuff. So a few months later Sjoe told me to apply for Mod so I did and we had Mod interviews that same day too. That interview was the easiest one I’ve ever been in my question was “Who is your favorite Admin?” and so there I was being promoted to Mod! Then bam life, now I say life because I never really went into detail as to why I left again but I have decided to do that now. I was in a horrible abusive relationship I was treated so wrong emotionally and physically and I had nobody to talk to so I took it out on my fellow staff members. I had an absolute horrible job where I was never appreciated and was constantly told how horrible I was doing. I finally said enough is enough and that I needed to do something with my life nobody deserves that and so I quit my horrible job, left my horrible relationship, and applied to Walt Disney World. Sounds weird saying it like that but it honestly happened just like that all in a manner of like two weeks. I moved back into my parents’ house for about 5 days then I moved to Florida. Having all these interviews on Meep really prepared me for my interview at Disney. I got the job right off the bat I was soooo excited. But unfortunately with moving to a new state, getting a new job, and living in a new place that I was unfamiliar with I was still so stressed and decided to resign once again.
I was a burden, I was slacking pretty badly, and I picked fights with some of my fellow staff members. I deeply regret all the bickering and stress that I put onto the team when I was there I was not an asset and I am glad I decided to do right by them and resign before I really messed up. Klutch and I even had it out on skype because I was a drama queen short thereafter but we’ve made up and it has blown over. I used to be a ray of sunshine Castro used to call me before it all went downhill and I believe that people began to see a side of me that isn’t like myself and I want the chance to show you who I am for real. I never wanted to resign but sometimes you just have to so you can get everything in your life in order. I told Reggles a long time ago that I was here for the long haul and I intend to keep that promise it just took me awhile to get there, even though he is no longer staff. It’s been almost an entire year since then and after I resigned I went inactive for quite a long time but I can’t tell you how much I needed it. Yes, before you point out the obvious most of my why section is about my past as staff but that is what I felt that the community deserved to know as to why my resignations happened the way they did and how the same reasons won’t allow me to resign again. Now before you ask “what makes us think that you won’t resign again?” You don’t, honestly I don’t nobody does but don’t let that scare you into thinking I am not fit for the job or that I am only going to be here for a few months. I’m applying because I feel that my time away from MeepCraft has extensively helped me for the better and I couldn’t be more excited to get back to what I have done best. I can honestly say the Courtney who used to play a year ago isn’t the same one I am now. I did tell myself and others that I would never apply again and just try not to want to be staff again but who am I kidding I knew I couldn’t stay away for long. Why do I want to be helper? I have wanted nothing but to be a helper/mod again and I want to do everything in my power to prove that I deserve another chance my last chance to do right this time by the server and by the community. I do remember most of how staff operates and commands but I know a lot has changed and I am going into this with the mindset that everything is different. It started changing before I left like Trello good god I didn’t understand how that worked and that added onto my stress and my attitude. So I would need to be re-trained and be re-taught things so I can better understand them since it has been way too long. I have been fairly active in all aspects of the server these past few weeks/months and I will continue to be if I get accepted again or not. TS I haven’t been on as much as people probably would like but I do have it and I have been getting on. Majority of the modreqs you handle consist of questions that do not require staff perms anyways so I know that I could still help but at the end of the day it isn’t enough and I wish to do more.
What are your weaknesses? -I am rough, I have a backbone, I don’t let people run over me like I used to. I have a very strong opinion but I think having one isn’t always a bad thing either unless it’s for the wrong reasons which I have learned how to use my voice efficiently and for the better. But I am also very laid back and calm, something I’ve learned too since getting rid of the nasty stress in my life.
-I work a full-time job, I am off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays which would mean those days I would be 100% active the other days depend on my schedule I usually have mornings off and work nights but that changes week to week and some days ill work mornings and have the entire night off. Like stated before there is nothing standing in between me this time and absolutely no stressors so I intend to give it my all.
-I will also never ever forget what Kari once told me that I have an extremely emotional attachment to the players, which I do but I don’t think of it as a bad thing either. I try to make friends with everybody and/or try to make up with people I may have had a run in with in the past. My emotions used to get the best of me and that is something I have learned to control. I do not get overwhelmed anymore over things I can’t control or little things that don’t matter.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I really do appreciate this opportunity and chance to do something for this server again if I am granted it or not. I am so thankful for the community and all the kind words from everybody the years I have been on MeepCraft. You are all so wonderful and I can’t want to have the chance to help all of you again in any way shape or form. If you need anything I will be here on forums or you can add me on skype courtneyyy1201.