Toostenheimer You are praised by our holy god and savior, the dorite king, Shains. For you are his biggest fan.
Pmx728 Your signature is awesome :D~ @jadenPeteYou seen pretty chill and you have cool profile picture.
Pmx728 Your good at pvp and your nice and you donated to me for vip :DSuper nice man :)~ @BlueXGhost :DI am in your sig You seem to always be happy and optimistic and you make me smile :)
LadyCassandra You're extremely kind to me and make my day when you talk with me. I'm really glad that I'm friends with you. ^-^
LadyCassandra That guyLol. Aside from that, extremely nice, mature, reasonable, good staff member. Appreciate your work. :)
littllizzy You're a helper, and helpers are awesome! And wow, you've been on Meepcraft for almost 4 years?! Now that's dedication, I tell ya. I've never met you before, but already I like you! :)--Liz
LadyCassandra I was just skimming through your profile yesterday and today... and I gotta say, your enthusiasm and energy amazes me. I don't know you well, but I like you a lot too! ^-^