SillySilver u juggle lemons and thats cool i guess~ @LlamazonYour style of changing avatar and sometimes sig is nice and unique. Keep doin' that! Also you're very nice and funny, just like me but maybe better. :P
ShadowLiran You're *I was gonna say that you're a spelling master but... :pBut seriously, you engage in conversation so much which is awesome! :DYou're open to the community.
Toostenheimer i hate you:>~ @Lilliyawow rudeYou are a really nice friend, and a sponge~ @GroovyGrevousLike-spams me too much
LadyCassandra Followed me In my mind, when someone follows me, I suddenly feel like I have this deep connection with that person and then I'm really happy XDNot that it means anything, just thought I'd put it out there :P
i8ryan Followed meIn my mind, when someone follows me, I suddenly feel like I have this deep connection with that person and then I'm really happy XDNot that it means anything, just thought I'd put it out there :p~ @LadyCassandraLet my comment goo let my comment go. I will never let goo!! Your forums name is cool. ^
LadyCassandra Let my comment goo let my comment go. I will never let goo!! Your forums name is cool. ^~ @i8ryanWhy thank you :DI would've either done this or Korraluvr.. Not really creative with names at all...You're very positive :)