Meepcraft is my favourite Minecraft server. I have loved this server since I joined in September 2014 and I have worked my way up to being the richest non-donating drifter. The only reason I still play on it is because of the bustling community and economy; and, although I hate the chat spam, I love the feeling that I'm never on the server alone. The /g chat is the best feeling in the world, it shows you that people are still buying and selling and the economy is growing.
I am a strong supporter of pro-citizen events, and whenever citizens become richer than rankists, I applaud them. Back in 1,7, when I was purplepizza117, it was nearly impossible for any citizen to get money at all and IGDMentalChicken and I were hanging on the edges of poverty with only 5,000 bucks in our pockets and going as low as 400 dollars, we had so much fun working our virtual butts off to make money to support us. I had my giant building aspirations and a /pwarp mall, with 3 plots to pay rent for. But it was fun! And I think Meepcraft is- and should be- just that. Fun.
My earliest- and one of my fondest- memories of Meep was the first day I joined. In spawn, an elite rankist gave me a full set of yellow leather dyed armour. Then, I warped to Beta and joined a town- and was almost immediately promoted to builder, then again to assistant. I was a N()()B and Meepcraft then, and I treated my leather armour like a stack of diamond blocks, putting it in my enderchest like someone would actually steal it, but it was still fun.
When 1,8 came out onto Meep, I almost instantly 180k richer. I (don't tell BigDaddyJoseph) actually found a way into /pwarp V before it opened, so I got a whole lot of emeralds and then enchantment books and then money and no one was there to stop me. (Plz no ban) I had found a strategy to making money. I soon told my friend IGD and then my other friend dandj62 about e-books, and they became rich as well (relatively). Soon, we made a town- and that was when I got incredibly rich. I now actually bought materials instead of /warp wild. But I was also bored. I was longing to go back to the times when I actually had to WORK for money, not just start a town and let the money roll into my bank account. I thought about giving my money away to some drifters, but I would still know HOW to make money. I started to hop on every other day, whereas before, I was probably hopping on every few hours.
In 3 months, IGD and I sold our town. We continued to be co-mayors and help out the town... but we had an incompetent mayor. He did absolutely nothing to help, and rather hindered us by claiming land until our limit was reached. We had 17,980 dollars upkeep PER DAY. IGD, seeing the town as worthless and going to fall, abused his co-mayor powers and griefed the town- and received only a 12 hour ban. He was kicked from town, and I found myself with an incompetent mayor, 10k in the bank total, and a messed up town. SO i bought the town back. In just two weeks, I had sucked 600k out of the town before I then sold it again- for 30k. At that point, we had gone from the 15th largest town ever in Beta to 7 residents. The town fell just a day later.
Without the town nabbing at me, I started to have fun again. I started a new town just for fun and then realised I actually WASN'T having fun and sold it. I am part of another town now, KingsTown, and I am a co-mayor. My boredom is starting to end and I am having fun with Meep now- I am able to spend money to have fun now!
What I am trying to say is that Meep has brought me literally countless hours of fun. The idea behind it is brilliant, because nowhere else is there such a unique economy server. I don't play much PVP, but when I do, it's exciting and fun. Minigames, to me, aren't fun, so I play virtually none of those. But I think this is the entire reason any of us play Meepcraft- because it's fun. If it's not fun, don't play it, and there's no point in just getting money to have money because it is a virtual reality. Fuzzlr did a magnificent job with this and I will continue to play as long as it is an economy server.
I love Meepcraft!