I would like to elaborate on a few points that @XxNine_TailsxX mentioned.
In regards to a Vibrant Community
"Meh, I wouldn't say 'vibrant'"
[INDENT]The server's value originates greatly from our community. Multiple servers are painstakingly designed to work alongside each other to allow for increased interaction for the masses. For example synchronized inventories is one of the countless features that few large servers have, and this feature alone allows for the some of the largest player-simultaneous community experiences in Minecraft. Additionally, few servers have the ability to broadcast messages to hundreds of servers at once. The trust that we place in the community and the unique character that it has is what I believe gives MeepCraft's community an undeniable and significant advantage.[/INDENT]
In regards to a Sophisticated Economy
"Sorry Fuzzlr but you dont have 'thousands' of players that use the vshop anymore"
[INDENT]Statistically, thousands of players do use the system, so the point raised in the original point is objectively true. [/INDENT]
"half of the kids on here didnt even know that a stock existed in real life before you implemented them"
[INDENT]This is excellent. This tells us that we are successfully educating young people to learn more about real-life activities and allowing them to demonstrate their talent in a virtual economy.[/INDENT]
In regards to Unique Minigames
"Yeah....your minigames arent close to being unique. Go on any minigames server."
[INDENT]The concepts of many minigames on MeepCraft are not unique. However there is great uniqueness in each one's game mechanics. For example, games like Capture the Flag and Hunger Games are very generic from a conceptual perspective, but are vastly different in their game mechanics compared to other servers.[/INDENT]
In regards to a 24/7 Staff
[INDENT]I agree that the term 24/7 is definitely debatable when it comes to staff, but anyone can agree that the staff has an excellent competitive culture that promotes the highest level of service. I would definitely say the quality of the staff is the highest now then it has ever been on MeepCraft, and I am able to make that statement because I observe the stability, resilience, competence, and positivity when it comes to serving the community that is unmatched in any group of people I have worked with.[/INDENT]
In regards to Legendary Architecture
I dont think you should use the word "celebrity".
[INDENT]MeepCraft has some of the most high-valued and expensive build projects in the Minecraft community. Over the years we have obtained the services of individuals who are at the highest possible level of skill in this field, some of which have a following that would distinguish them as a "celebrity".[/INDENT]
In conclusion
Sorry if I sound like a priss but dont make your server sound better than it actually is. Dont get me wrong I like playing on the server and I know you have to hype it up for advertisements, but most of what you're saying is very opinionated and just not true.
[INDENT]I agree that as a server owner my opinion is inherently biased. However I believe that all of the points that I have made hold significant validity. I frequently play and enjoy challenging strategy games. As for my own personal preference and love for economic strategy, MeepCraft is one of the best experiences in Minecraft. There is no other environment that I have found that could possibly bring the same enjoyment for me. So while some of your disagreements with my sentiments may be true from the perspective of people that don't enjoy or value the same aspects of the game that we do, you may be correct, but speaking from what I believe is the perspective of the target audience that MeepCraft serves, I must disagree with most of your sentiments as they make clearly incorrect objective claims. Thank you for your criticism.[/INDENT]