abbythrowsstuff awwww i like your smile abby :)~ @savvvy420[ATTACH=full]1961[/ATTACH] Thanks I worked hard on making sure its white 24/7
DV___VS___H That's a crappy way to get likes.If ya want likes, just post the picture itself.~ @NubberoniI do what I want! Don't judge me! ;-;That's just how I roll bby ;)
BlackJack [ATTACH=full]1961[/ATTACH]Thanks I worked hard on making sure its white 24/7~ @abbythrowsstuffEWDoes anybody really wanna see my face?
BlackJack Who wouldn't?~ @FluffbearRCTim ugly thoi dont even think i have a decent picture of me that isnt 2 years old
NorthernLights17 [ATTACH=full]1961[/ATTACH]Thanks I worked hard on making sure its white 24/7~ @abbythrowsstuff I cant stop laughing right now.
Skaros123 Ehhhh why not. This was taken a couple of months ago at some Italian restaurant.Okay, (yes, I'm editing an 18 month old post).This is how I look now, March 2015. (taken a month ago)
savvvy420 [ATTACH=full]1956[/ATTACH]~ @C' you.....who are you? And...this is creepy as hell....
Skaros123 you.....who are you? And...this is creepy as hell....~ @savvvy420I thought it was you when I first looked at the picture. o.O
savvvy420 I thought it was you when I first looked at the picture. o_O~ @Skaros123yeah no i didnt post that.....
BlackJack This was taken while I was doing Security at NorwesCon last summer. >inb4 you cropped it, yes, i cropped it, get over it