Jackl01 My new profile pic is a group photo. Although I am the guy with the brown hair at the back next to my teacher :3
Kabixi Anyone who has me on Skype knows now :o Msg me if you want my info I guess? It's always nice to have more Meepsters on my contacts.
Aymak What a nice looking group of people we have here on Meep! Props to you for having the confidence to show everyone(:
DeathBunny55 What a nice looking group of people we have here on Meep! Props to you for having the confidence to show everyone:)~ @AymakOh how I could change that... how I could...
Qwikin So it's sideways, and according to some people, it may not be visible, but hey, I'll try(pls dun make fun of teh ugly)
iiTzJDL -coughs- will change it back laterNever mind I'm changing it back.~ @OrganicTurtlesI thought you were a guy...
jcbetro1011 If I get 10 likes I will post a picture of myself~ @DV___VS___HThat's a crappy way to get likes.If ya want likes, just post the picture itself.~ @NubberoniOr a picture of me.
Tasmiki So it's sideways, and according to some people, it may not be visible, but hey, I'll try(pls dun make fun of teh ugly)~ @QwikinIts ugly you ugly grey box
BlackJack So it's sideways, and according to some people, it may not be visible, but hey, I'll try~ @QwikinUpload using Tinypic.
BlackJack That's too much work to scare people~ @Qwikinthen send it to me over skype and i'll post it for you :P
smeef This was taken while I was doing Security at NorwesCon last summer. >inb4 you cropped it, yes, i cropped it, get over it~ @BlackJack ur so hawt.
nhjed [ATTACH=full]1936[/ATTACH]Some girl took a picture of me in class today and sent it to me. I'm the guy on the right in case you're wondering :p~ @DanielrulesmanI have those same desks at my school, they're annoying as hell because you cant scoot your chair in or go out the right side.