Um? I don't really know were to put this so I guess I'll put it here for now.
I joined this server on December, 27, 2012? Something like that. It's been a good "almost" 3 years, but sadly, I must go. I've had so much fun on this server and everyone- well, mostly everyone in the community was so nice and overall amazing. It's hard to type this out because I have so many friends on this server and all the memories are amazing, so, sorry if somethings don't make sense I'm kinda stuck on what to say. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has supported me and who has been there with me from the start. It's been a long um, "journey" or whatever you want to call it.
I know this sounds cheesy but this server was like a second life- or maybe a second family, some people in this community are SO understanding and I know they'll always be there for me, and hopefully I'll be there for them. I'd like to thank some people, well not some people, more like- a lot of people.
Thank you to the people listed above, (Sorry if I missed you.)
Thank you,
@@Muunkee for being a funny, yet mature and supportive friend/wife
@@Copperwheelz for being the Joel to my Ellie and always being there by my side
@@shiningstar02 for being an amazing friend, you're absolutely amazing
@@Granger115 for being the best and relatable human being on this planet
@@Lilliya for having the voice of 6 angels (+1) and always making me laugh
@@stevecrazy for being a brother noodle and a little scrub
@@ScrubSilencer for being my partner in crime
@@Escanor for being a crazier noodle, but at the same time very supportive
@@buildmaster1000x for being extremely supportive and amazingly amazing and just a really great friend
@@chirp1234 for being the greatest bird ever
@@StopResetting for being one the of first Meepers I met, who is also very funny
@@lightspeedtitan for being a scrub noodle, but also very nice
@@Cascade1324 for being one of my favorite people ever
@@SillySilver for always making me feel welcomed
@@XxNine_TailsxX for being the Frank to my Gerard
@@Lilstokes for having a nice booty
It sucks when you know you're missing someone but you don't know the name, so if I forgot you I'll try my best to put you into the text.
I may come back in a couple of months but right now I need to think about school stuff and just kind of get my "life" together. School is my main priority at the moment so, yeah. I love you all and I care about you all so much, I hope you have a fun time gaming with other people of the community and so on.
(I may be forums active)
So long everyone!
Have a good time gaming and having fun with the community~
Bye everyone! It was fun.
~ @Zer0000000000