Sjoeppappentrap [ATTACH=full]19125[/ATTACH]Updates of the week!Trophy point, Warning point and Ban expiring issue on forums is corrected!;Hit detection has been fixed in Kitpvp;Skyblock mob spawning has been fixed;Stay tuned for future updates and bug fixes
le gooboy Wow, kitpvp is actually working again? If only my appeal would be resolved already.~ @minetifa then I could rek u
ToonMichaela problems in skyblock: pigmen in nether staying aggressive to players even after days (IRL days) of waiting.Goldfarms not working. KthnxBaioh yea. and slimeblocks dont stop fall-damage, they double it.
CyberneticToast Fifth!Yaaaaaay, hopefully the water bug in beta will be fixed next.~ @DeadlyPoptartzPsst, you're actually sixth not fifth xD
DeadlyPoptartz Psst, you're actually sixth not fifth xD~ @CyberneticToastPsst. the same guy posted twice!
chrisandmatthew Wow I'm the 9th commenter I'm so cool I should emphasize the fact that I am the 9th commenter because you all care so much
le gooboy Fifth! Yaaaaaay, hopefully the water bug in beta will be fixed next.~ @DeadlyPoptartz Psst, you're actually sixth not fifth xD~ @CyberneticToast that would be me noobs :3
SpongeyStar omg i'm 14th such a big deal like omg everyone look i commented the 14th comment omg so happynote sarcasm
Sjoeppappentrap Mobs weren't spawning because gold farms ate the capacity of mob spawning (that's why gold farms are nerfed atm).You will now have a more regulary spawning of hostile mobs!
CyberneticToast pssss basicly he is 7th xD~ @GroovyGrevousPssst yeah, sixth to reply and the seventh post on the thread xD