What is going to happen is that on occasion fuzzlr and company will make changes to the prices of items (think about how gold gets a boost almost monthly for no apparent reason) I think you'll see a massive selloff on the first day and then it will begin to stabilize. I suspect they would start their item values at whatever the Vshop currently or just a day before (hope they're getting values now because prices will rise on everything up until Vshop day).
The big problem I see with this new method is that items like saplings and mossy cobble will skyrocket in price due to lack of them being sold on Vshop and Mods will have to micromanage all the items constantly to keep things in check. Vshop did this all automatically.
~ @Jdude5786
Sir I think you have officially coined the term Vshop day! And you're right about all of the saplings and stuff.
There is something that I would like to add to this, though. Did anyone ever think that this might be their excuse to remove all of the items that were put on the vshop for stupid prices, and remove the items of the players that no longer play? Ie all the noobs that put diamonds up for 5k each, and there is probably around at least 50k diamonds on the vshop that are never going to get sold.
All of those items have to be clogging up at least 1gigabite of space on the server.