Ok, here it is. fuzzlr and his infinite meebles will shut down the server temporarily. During this time he buys out every item on v-shop and puts them back on the shop for a median price that coincides with the old v shop prices. Then, wild is reset, and towny tax is chosen by the town owner, or is chosen based upon the players balance (Town owners decide). Or, Beta opens as a "poor" towny world. It is made as a begineer meep towny world. There are tiny towns that cost 50k, plots are 500 and tax is 5 meebles daily. Plots are small. Or, beta would be all hotels with few towns.
Ok, now after the reset, Beta is the "newbie" town world, Alpha can be for anyone willing to pay the current price for a plot, town, or nation. Again, plot tax is chosen by the town owner, or can be chosen based upon meebles. 10k or less meebles causes a 50 or so meeble tax, 10-25k is 100, 25 to 50k is 150, 50 to 100k is 200, 100k to 200k is 300, 200k to 400k is 450, 400 to 500k is 450, 500k to 5 mil is 800, 5 mil and up is 1k. After the v shop is fixed, every item will look like this at first
(fuzzlr) (9999) Diamond 750 meebles but it will eventually become like the current economy. You will get paid the median price for whatever your item is, because we cant have people cancelling their dirt, selling it 1 dirt for 8 million, and hitting it big when fuzzlr buys out. Lastly, there is the problem with gold. Gold will be reset, and will be restarted at 430. The gold price goes up 1 cent when someone buys 1000 gold ingots are bought, and goes down 2 cents when 500,000 ingots are sold due to people commonly selling rather than buying gold from the bank. The prices are up to fuzzlr though. I also believe that the bank should buy and sell other precious metals, which would include emeralds and diamonds. Iron is too common and should be left out of the bank. This could solve many problems, and it could cause some. That is why each different suggestion is up to fuzzlr, so basically my towny idea can be denied or changed, or kept. I would really like for at least one of these ideas to be put into place, as they can fix the economy. I also