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  2. Hi there Guest! You should join our Minecraft server @ meepcraft.com
  3. We also have a Discord server that you can join @ https://discord.gg/B4shfCZjYx
  4. Purchase a rank upgrade and get it instantly in-game! Cookies Minecraft Discord Upgrade
by EllieEllie at 9:59 PM
(4,491 Views / 13 Likes)
Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works. This will be published every other week.


Community Events

Egging /pwarp Egg
Frustrated that Ellie logged off without saying goodbye, a large crowd gathered outside /pwarp egg for a riot, and threw dozens of eggs at the giant egg. Later that night, @reggles44 and @xT3Kx expressed their own feelings about it, and spawned thousands of chickens on it. See images from the event here.


Following his acceptance to tech, @LordInateur decided to test some events out, and hosted several with the community. See...
by Courtneyyy at 9:44 PM
(1,153 Views / 10 Likes)
Have you ever wanted to link your in game account to your discord account? Well, now you can!

Steps to achieving greatness:
-Log into Meeps Discord
-Type '-link' in the chat box (a message from MeepBot will follow)
-MeepBot will give you a link that looks a little like
"Your token is 123456.
Type '/discord link 123456' in game to link your accounts.
This token will expire in two minutes."​
-Head on over to MeepCraft and go to /warp spawn and type in your link!
-Congratulations you've now linked your in game account to your Discord account!

While in game you can do /discord and a list of commands will pop up such as:
-/discord join (normal discord link)
-/discord info (shows your current information)
-/discord link (shows you what Discord account it is linked to)
-/discord unlink (will unlink your accounts)
-/discord online (shows you current online status of players)
-/discord staff (shows you which staff are...​
by CluelessKlutz at 4:37 AM
(3,821 Views / 11 Likes)

Clueless’s House Party

Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works. This will be published every other Friday.

Server Updates

Public Bans
Ban and kick messages are now private again! For a full thread regarding this change, see here.

Community Events

CluelessKlutz’s House Party
Everyone enjoys a good house party, especially when the homeowner doesn’t invite anyone! Earlier this week, Onceuponajano, EllieEllie, L_e_, and Teddypines invited the entire server to invade Clueless’s home for a party, which he later agreed to. Then Ellie and Once convinced the poor homeowner to enter flower parkour, but this is not a horror story, so no details are being released about that. See images from the party...
by EllieEllie at 11:08 AM
(6,984 Views / 15 Likes)
Hi there everyone!

With new changes to the way applications and staff training are being processed, the applications have been closed for the time being so we can implement these fully. If you already have an application up then please don't worry, it will go through the process as normal.

For those of you who are thinking of applying, take this as an opportunity to fine-tune your applications and put that extra bit of work into them, and we look forward to seeing them.

Thank you for your patience!
by Midnight_Galaxy at 4:54 AM
(3,008 Views / 6 Likes)

Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works. This will be published every other Friday.​

Community Events

Tribute Bonfire
Visible for miles in Wild, an enormous tribute to the server was constructed by @Even_Longer using close to 370,000 wood planks as a dedication to the future of Meepcraft. . . then was immediately set on fire to truly make the party start!

Shipbuilding Contest

Are you a master shipbuilder? Earn a free rankup by building the best ship in Creative for @missy1480!

Halo Tournament
After the last edition of the Meeptimes was released, numerous suggestions were made to host a tournament like in the story. Well, it is our pleasure to announce the Meeptimes Halo Tournament! One grand prize winner will receive fifty thousand Meebles. Donations to...
by Midnight_Galaxy at 12:02 AM
(3,725 Views / 14 Likes)

The Return of Events! - CluelessKlutz

Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works. This will be published every other Friday.​

Take advantage of the MeepCraft 4th of July Summer Sale while you still can! Receive 25% off all ranks and packages purchased on the server store! Now is the perfect time to make your MeepCraft dreams come true!

Server Updates

Traveling Merchant

The traveling merchant from the last issue of the MeepTimes is now live! The villager visits random towns each day with exclusive trades!

CTF Update
After the most recent updates to the CTF plugin, you now get coins for capturing flags and kills, along with a 1,000 Meeble prize!

Bugs Squashed

Villager Trades
Issues regarding the traveling merchant...
by Fuzzlr at 5:24 PM
(5,081 Views / 8 Likes)

Hello Meeps,

Hope you are having an enjoyable holiday weekend! This week, we are having our Fourth of July Summer Sale, which means all ranks and packages on the server store are 25% off! Now is the perfect time to make your MeepCraft dreams come true.

Don't forget to check out the brand new quests on MeepCraft!

Want to keep in touch with the community and read what other MeepCrafters are doing? Check out the 35th Edition of the MeepTimes.
by Kling at 3:48 PM
(1,943 Views / 7 Likes)

Thank you @Pmx728 for another great video, a new quest is underway.
by CluelessKlutz at 9:43 PM
(4,185 Views / 9 Likes)
@Achrow 2017​

Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works. This will be published every other Friday.

Server Updates

Sethome Buff
We increased the amount of sethomes of most ranks! Citizens now can set three homes, Vip is allowed 5, Premium has 10, Exclusive is allotted 20, Elite has been given 50, and Supreme increased to 75!

Pouring rain driving you insane? Now you have the control of what you see with this new donor perk for Vip+ that changes the weather between storms and clear. Use /pweather (reset, clear, or storm)!

Bugs Squashed

Shop Page
The forums shop has been fixed following a slight error with the display!

Mayor Spam
The NPC at /warp towns, Mayor Meep, will no longer spam you!

Recently Accepted Suggestions

Longed for...
by EllieEllie at 6:37 PM
(3,617 Views / 12 Likes)

Halo Hub

Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works. This will be published every other Friday.​

Server Updates


The long desired mini game makes its return! Gear up and take down the enemy once again in /warp Halo!

You can no longer run /request if you are in a town. Say farewell to the unnecessary spam!

Bugs Squashed

Travel to the mythical lands of the airship for loot and scenic views, mainly loot, once again!

Recently Accepted Suggestions

The long desired stocks plugin shall make its return!...