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  2. Hi there Guest! You should join our Minecraft server @ meepcraft.com
  3. We also have a Discord server that you can join @ https://discord.gg/B4shfCZjYx
  4. Purchase a rank upgrade and get it instantly in-game! Cookies Minecraft Discord Upgrade
by LordInateur at 6:59 AM
(1,252 Views / 14 Likes)
Thanks to the efforts of @Vamp1re_Man, we have implemented a new cross-server party chat!
  • New Command: /pchat [subcommands] -- create and invite players to join your party, and when you're done, leave or disband the party! Do /pchat by itself to get a full list of available subcommands.
  • New Command: /pc [chat] -- chat with your party, no matter where they are on the server.
Special thanks to the following people for testing: @Kling, @CluelessKlutz, @NinjaRoxy, @MasterofBoom

As always, if you happen to find any bugs please report them on our Bug Report Forum.
by Vamp1re_Man at 8:27 AM
(857 Views / 9 Likes)
We have released some minor towns updates!

· New Command! /townlist, /townlist tp #. List and teleport to any plot claimed by your town. Available to mayor and co-mayor.

· New Command! /tstats [type], /tstats [type] [town]. Lists interesting statistics about the town. Types include plots, residents and money.

· New Command! /nstats [type], /nstats [type] [nation]. Lists interesting statistics about the nation. Types include plots, residents and towns.

· New Chat Feature! Nation titles are now displayed in town chat (/tc) and nation chat (/nc) across all worlds. Nation titles can be set by the King/Queen with /n set title [player] [title].

· New Chat Feature! Local and world chat in the towns server now displays the player’s town and nation.

· Bug Fix! All online members of the nation are now shown by /n online, as opposed to only nation staff previously. The King/Queen is...
by LordInateur at 2:30 AM
(951 Views / 9 Likes)
The Virtual Shop has been updated! The following changes have been made:
  • Bug squashed! /sales that are made after this update will now show the transaction date
  • Bug squashed! /stock should now paginate correctly
  • Bug squashed! Known item typos have been corrected
  • New feature! Until recently you could only do /sell <count> hand <price> to sell an item in your hand... now you can also do /buy <count> hand <price> and /find hand to buy or find things you already have
  • New feature! Players are now able to find, buy, and sell things based on block and data IDs; for example, /find 5:2 will now return results for birch planks
  • More items! Players can now find, buy, and sell things on the Virtual Shop from the 1.12.1 update
Thank you to @CasualJaden for carrying out the code updates!

As always, please submit all bug reports to the...
by LordInateur at 11:58 PM
(1,247 Views / 10 Likes)
A new lottery system has been implemented!

  • There are now three lotteries: hourly, daily, and weekly.
  • Each lottery now costs only 500 meebles.
  • Each person can now buy up to 20 tickets.
  • There is a chance for a second-place winner to be chosen if the amount of money in each lottery reaches a certain threshold.
  • Staff now have the option of creating lotteries on the fly for special events
  1. Ensure that you are in the Towns world.
  2. Choose whether you want to use the commands or use the user interface.
    • Do /lotto help [command] for a list of available commands if you want to use the command-line interface.
    • Do /lotto by itself to open up the user interface if you'd prefer to be prompted. Click on a command and answer the prompts directly in the chat--and if you want to cancel your command, do /lotto cancel.
Future Development:
  • ...
by CluelessKlutz at 12:29 AM
(3,529 Views / 11 Likes)
Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works. This will be published every other Friday.

Bugs Squashed

Towny Staff
Staff in towns no longer pay taxes!

Community Events

Merk’s Birthday Party
To celebrate getmerkbyme’s birthday, a large party was thrown. See images from the party here.

Legend Nation Capitol
The Mystical Realm held its first major event in building their nation capitol near the Towny spawn. With the help of @CluelessKlutz, @Lady_Hestia, @PoisonLily, @Qazini, @minepose98, @SidTheSeaStar,...
by CluelessKlutz at 4:21 AM
(3,200 Views / 12 Likes)

Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works. This will be published every other Friday.

Server Updates
The world of color has come to Meepcraft as the server moves to be running fully in 1.12.1.

Meepcraft Advancements
Custom advancements have been added to the towns world that reward you for achievements in towny. To view these achievements, go to the towns world, press “l,” and go to the crafting table tab. Alternatively, you can press esc, then go to the advancements menu from there.

New Voting Items
The grappling hook, villager tamer, and glass pickaxe have been added to the vote crate rewards! The glass pickaxe breaks any glass panes and blocks instantly, the villager tamer allows you to put a lead on villagers, and the grappling hook allows you to teleport to a location you select.

Towny Upkeep...
by KlutchDecals at 6:06 PM
(4,005 Views / 10 Likes)
Applications are now open!

Get them in quick because they'll be closing on the 10th of September.

Hope to see some of you apply! ​
by LordInateur at 6:00 PM
(4,453 Views / 12 Likes)

Hello everyone! I'm proud to announce that we have upgraded MeepCraft straight past the 1.12 World of Color Update all the way into Minecraft 1.12.1! Here are some of the new features:
  • New Blocks! Concrete can now be created with concrete powder! Glazed terracotta has been added to the game as well.
  • New Mobs! Parrots and Illusioners have been introduced! Want a pet parrot? Go to /warp parrot and buy a parrot egg. Tame them with seeds... but don't feed them any cookies!
  • New Sounds! Note blocks have been updated to include bells, chimes, flutes, guitars, and xylophones.
  • Towny...
by Kling at 4:17 AM
(1,272 Views / 2 Likes)
The Meepcraft servers are being manually updated, with this expect being unable to log in for a short while. When completed there will be an official post, your patience is greatly appreciated!
by KlutchDecals at 2:15 PM
(2,843 Views / 11 Likes)

Back To School Sale!!!
It's that time again where school is starting. To celebrate another awesome year of learning, we're offering 20% off!!!!

Use Code "backtoschool"

Use your code now and get the rank you wanted before the incredible rank update coming soon!