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Denied Xanderb3 Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by XanderB3, Feb 24, 2014.

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  1. XanderB3

    XanderB3 Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Date: A few months ago or so
    Reason: X-ray
    Ban length: It doesnt say
    Staff Member: bass_flow
    Why You should consider this appeal: I have read the rules time and time again now I have learned my lesson. I am fine with my inventory being emptied and my ender chest emptied. I will do anything practilly anything to get on this amazing server with the awesome members.
    littlep1234 likes this.
  2. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    You were banned two weeks ago. Please do not lie about the date; this appeal is denied. If you wish to appeal again, please wait at least two weeks from today.
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