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Denied Voltikenzi's Ban

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Voltikenzi, Apr 22, 2014.

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  1. Voltikenzi

    Voltikenzi Popular Meeper

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    If you wish to have your appeal considered, please ensure you follow the following format. (Appeals on bans less than 1 day will not be considered.)

    IGN (In-Game Name): Voltikenzi
    Date/Time: 4/22/2014
    Reason: xray
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: Oroperion
    Why we should consider your appeal: Because i don't even use xray, how the heck did i get put on the spot, I have been TNT strip mining for a while now, may i get proof, besides the point i thought you guys had blocked xray.

    Failure to follow this could warrant a deny.
  2. MrsMegan

    MrsMegan Celebrity Meeper

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    Here's the video proof from Oroperion.
    Khafra likes this.
  3. Voltikenzi

    Voltikenzi Popular Meeper

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    Okay, i see, i honestly dont remember digging a 1x1 hole down to a spawner but ill tell you the truth, i was not using xray. i was using a different program called object finder and it highlights chests/crafting/furnaces. i see that this is equivalent now. what ever punishment you see fits is okay. Im sorry for every rule broken. If i am ever given a 2nd chance with a complete whip of items/money id be fine with that. I let my sister use my computer n play minecraft and installed a program thing or something and it shows these things and the only way to turn it off is by deleting my mine-craft completely. I am 24 years old and i broke the rules, its not like im a little kid who didnt exactly knew what i was doing, i was fully aware of the benefits. But one thing is certain, if you do unban me, i will reinstall mc. I honestly thought i was being banned for xray - mining up like 1 1/2 stacks of ores.
  4. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Thank you for being honest Voltikenzi. Chest finder is very similar to x-ray in this way. I will unban you in two weeks time if you remind me on May 7th but for now this is denied.
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