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Accepted Unban Me Please

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Enclave03, Apr 5, 2014.

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  1. Enclave03

    Enclave03 New Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Reason:X-Ray/Glitch Exploitation
    Ban Length:Did not say
    Staff Member:Quaddy
    Why We Should Consider Your Appeal:My ignorance to read rules and regulations prior to accepting terms has lead me to this ban. While playin in the world my hidden mine kept getting invaded. days later I noticed someone mentioned "so thats what x-ray is" on the shout. I moved location to were I felt safer from x-ray. days later I heard a note block and thought I would give x_ray a try to see if I did. I looked it up and it did not work for me. and to my surprise BAN. I then checked the rules and there it is plain as day "no x-ray". Yes I feel dumb, and wish I had read the rules first. I have read through the rules and will continue to consult the rules if I feel uncertain. So now I plea for a second chance. PLEASE LET ME BACK ON!
    J.Kilem likes this.
  2. PuckMiner

    PuckMiner Celebrity Meeper

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    I will reduce this to 7 days, but if you are banned for xray again it won't be appeal-able.
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