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Denied Quiet0Death Ban Appeal, Number 2....

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Delta, Feb 5, 2014.

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  1. Delta

    Delta Meeper

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    Hello staff of Meepcraft, I would like to appeal for the ban on Quiet0Death again, my friend asked everyone (/shout) and someone said I could appeal in a week, I asked Sjoe (the guy who banned me) and he said 1 month, Its been around 2 weeks and I was wondering if I could be unbanned anytime soon? I promise to NEVER use the Xray Texturepack again and to play legit and make it fun for everyone. If this is denied, will I have the right to re appeal in a month? Thanks~Quiet0death.

    Reason: Xray
    Time: Perm
    Banner: Sjoe
    Reason To Unban: I love this server very much and hope to donate as many of my friends do, this is a minecraft server that I actually enjoy and I also love the community, Hope you take this appeal into consideration, I completely understand if you decide not unban and deny it because Xray was a Serious offence, Thank you again staff of Meepcraft, Quiet0Death
  2. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    If Sjoe said wait for one month, that means wait for one month, not two weeks. Denied.
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