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Denied Mr_Bombastic576 Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Mr_Bombastic576, Sep 27, 2015.

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  1. Mr_Bombastic576

    Mr_Bombastic576 Popular Meeper

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    Member Name Mr_Bombastic576

    Additional In Game Names: Mr_bomabstic576 (same)

    When you were banned: I was banned on the 28th of September 2015 at around 3.30 pm

    Reason for ban: Sexual Reference

    Ban Length: Permanent (appeal)

    Staff member who issued ban: klutchdecals

    Why we should consider your appeal: You should consider my ban appeal because i have though about what i have done and i am a better person than that. I realise that this has affected other people but it has also affected my self in such a way that i am trying to turn my life around. I will agree to never message Jess_4ds again, to leave her town and to never be rude to anyone on meepcraft again. I hope this issue can be resolved as me and my brother both love meepcraft (we use the same account) and it would be a real downer for the start of the school holidays. Thanks Mr_bombastic (jeremy)

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I do understand what i have done here is wrong and i am a better person than that. I could also agree that if any ban for my account was to occur again it would be permanent or a life time ban. Thanks Mr_bomabstic576
  2. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Denied. Dont appeal for at least a month.
    legendcaleb and Muunkee like this.
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