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Denied Luring ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by ifarmturnips, Jan 19, 2014.

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  1. ifarmturnips

    ifarmturnips Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name):Ifarmturnips
    Date/Time:5:24 pm CST 1/18/2014
    Ban Length:3 days
    Staff Member: MrsMegan
    Why we should consider your appeal: I killed players in wild pvp. I did not lure people by inviting them to my house or sky island or anything. There can be no evidence that I did so because I did not. As far as I am aware pvp in the wild is legal. I would very much like the ban placed on my account to be removed and any meeples that were taken from me to be returned unless evidence that I broke the ToS or CoC is presented to me ( which will be hard to produce since I did not violate the TOS as far as I am aware). Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
  2. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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  3. MrsMegan

    MrsMegan Celebrity Meeper

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    I'd like to explain the screenshots a bit, the third one shows Ifarmturnip's /pay's. I did a radius of /tpahere's and it showed any names.

    Ontop of these screenshots I went to the spot that the dirt pole was and both Ifarmturnip and Daedaric_Ace came along, Daedaric_Ace was lured. I then broke the dirt pole and waited and Ifarmturnip returned and died by fall damage.
    chaos546 and Flamedemond like this.
  4. ifarmturnips

    ifarmturnips Celebrity Meeper

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    Yes, as I stated I killed people in the wild. As far as I am aware that is permitted. Why is there a picture of me telling someone how to get VIP rank? What's that have to do with anything? What TOS did I violate?
  5. ifarmturnips

    ifarmturnips Celebrity Meeper

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    Also I executed no /pay commands and received none, I don't understand what you mean? And the picture of me saying go to meepcraft.com and donate was a response to a friends question on how to get VIP rank that happened over a week ago and has no bearing on this incident as far as I can tell.
  6. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    You can not kill anyone after /tpahere'ing them. This is luring.
    chaos546 likes this.
  7. MrsMegan

    MrsMegan Celebrity Meeper

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    The ban has been changed to 6 days, you lured two players.
    mrli1 likes this.
  8. ifarmturnips

    ifarmturnips Celebrity Meeper

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    I would like to see evidence that I lured or killed anyone. I admit that I killed a person while in the wild. But I did not lure anyone and did not kill anyone whom I tpa'd to my location. I would like to see evidence of this. So far the only evidence provided has been a log showing that I tpa'd people to my location and that I told someone how to donate at meepcraft.com to get vip rank. Where are the screenshots of me actually killing anyone? there are none because they don't exist. furthermore I feel it is vindictive and unprofessional for you to extend a 3 day ban which is unjust to begin with just because I protested against it with an appeal. I would like another Mod to handle my appeal as MrsMegan seems to have a personal grudge against me and lacks objectivity.
  9. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    We did not extend your ban for any biased reason such as the ones you set forth in the above post, nor did we do so because of you protesting the decision.

    We merely found more evidence to show that you repeated the same behavior multiple times, thus committing multiple offenses - we adjusted your ban accordingly.
    chaos546 likes this.
  10. ifarmturnips

    ifarmturnips Celebrity Meeper

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    Am I entitled to see the evidence against me that proves I did anything more then use the tpahere command? How can I ensure that future use of this command does not result in similar disciplinary action taken against my account without being provided with screen shots to demonstrate exactly what I did that was against the rules? You say that I lured people and killed them and yet you provided no evidence of this other than 5 screenshots of my use of the tpahere command and 1 screenshot of me explaining how to become a VIP member to a friend. You say you found "more evidence to show that you repeated the same behavior multiple times," yet the only behavior you have provided proof of me repeating is use of the tpahere command. Without seeing such evidence I'm left to conclude that I am being personally targeted and harassed by a staff member for unknown reasons. The banning of an account is a serious action (even if only temporary). As such, I would expect there to be indisputable evidence of a major offense yet all I've been provided with thus far is screenshots of use of the tpahere command ( an ability that I paid good money to aquire by the way). Once again, Thank you for your consideration.
  11. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    You issued multiple /tpahere commands from atop a pillar, presumably punched the lured victims off, and then collected the items below. Here is a record of some of the items you retrieved from the base of the tower:


    Note that the timestamps correlate well with the previous /tpahere evidence provided.
  12. ifarmturnips

    ifarmturnips Celebrity Meeper

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    You say " presumably punched the lured victims off." You presume too much good sir. This is not proof of any misconduct on my part. I fell off the tower I had made for safety's sake a few times and simply retrieved the items I had lost after dying. The last time I died was because mod MrsMegan herself destroyed my safety tower intentionally causing my death. Neither these latest screenshots nor the original screenshots are proof of any wrong doing. The first group of screenshots proves only I used the tpahere command. The second group of screenshots proves only that I picked up my own items after dying. It is clear that you have no proof that I committed any bannable offences thus I respectfully request my ban be lifted immediately. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated as I have already missed out on a lot of play time over this ban which is obviously basless as you have failed to prove any violation of the rules was committed by me and I have in game building commitments to my town to honor. Thank you for your consideration.
  13. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    One does not simply /tpahere multiple persons to the top of a 1x1 tower in a PVP-enabled wild without ill intent. The only reason we'd be aware of this issue is if said persons reported your infraction - they did.

    Denied. Please wait out the remainder of your ban, and refrain from doing any such actions again.
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