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Accepted liawyanxin's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by liawyanxin, Feb 3, 2014.

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  1. liawyanxin

    liawyanxin Popular Meeper

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    IGN: liawyanxin
    Date/Time:23th November
    Ban Length:permenant
    Staff Member: DianaB72
    Why we should consider your appeal: I promise I will not do it again. I have submitted a thread a few months ago (http://meepcraft.com/threads/ban-appeal.10077/ ) and it got rejected. I listened to nasapc123 and waited a few months before sending another appeal. I am really sorry for what I have done and I love this server. Please give me one more chance and I promise will not X-Ray again.
  2. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Accepted, please don't let it happen again or it will result in an unappealable perm ban.
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