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Denied Lfpmariostar00 Ban Appeal (part Ii)

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Dark Lord Jimmy, May 16, 2014.

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  1. Dark Lord Jimmy

    Dark Lord Jimmy Well-Known Meeper

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    IGN: lfpmariostar00

    Date/time: A few days ago

    Reason: X-ray (lowered from perm)

    Ban length: 7- Days

    Staff member: DianaB72

    Why I should be unbanned: I am suffering from a “Meep hangover.” I see my brother playing and I want to just thrash around. It is the worst. Also, not trying to sound bratty, I see people with the exact same offense just getting unbanned, and (bratty warning) I still get 7 day’s. I feel like I want to be like ARGHHHH!!
  2. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    You were given grace, don't push it
    mrli1, DiamondBoy, Thee Boss and 3 others like this.
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