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Denied Jakes appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Jakelikestodig, Feb 9, 2014.

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  1. Jakelikestodig

    Jakelikestodig Popular Meeper

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    Ign : Jakelikestodig
    date/time : 2/9/14 12:19 mountain time
    Reason: X-ray
    Ban length: perm
    Staff member: FredIII

    Why we should consider your appeal: I'm sorry that I x-rayed I just was angry at the world and I wasn't myself. My dog died yesterday, My Dad was also sentenced to 3years in jail for something he didn't do I was angry so mad and on top of that I was killed by invis I appolagize to the community who I may have disappointed if it makes you feel any better I made $0 xraying. I understand if I have to wait this out and think of what I have done. Ty your truly -Jakelikestodig
  2. Fred III

    Fred III Popular Meeper

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    X-ray is a serious offense jake, you should know this. As it's not up to me, a higher staff member will decide your fate
  3. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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    X-raying is not tolerated on our server, regardless of what you say your reasons for doing it are. Please take these couple of months thinking about what you've done, and why you should not have done it.
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