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Accepted J_2_the_b's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by J_2_the_B, Jul 31, 2014.

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  1. J_2_the_B

    J_2_the_B Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): J_2_the_B

    When you were banned: Thursday 31st July 2014

    Reason: Ads

    Ban Length: Not sure, Didnt say.

    Staff Member: Bob4444444

    Why we should consider your appeal: I feel you should consider my appeal as I love Meepcraft and I would hate to be kept away from playing the server. I am very regretful for advertising a server on Meepcraft. My friend had made a server on which I am an Administrator. We are trying to increase our usercount, Thats why I thought I should try to gain a little amount of users to join our server from Meep. That was preety stupid as most players on Meepcraft are loyal. I Should of realised that whilst trying my stupid tricks of mailing and messaging people. I have now realised my wrong doings and shamefully regret this.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 31, 2014, Original Post Date: Jul 31, 2014 ---
    Ty Crusher
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 31, 2014 ---
    Ty SplendyPie :p By the way, Hey :p Havent seen you for ages :)
  2. MrsMegan

    MrsMegan Celebrity Meeper

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    This appeal shows that you are aware that what you did was wrong, please do not let this happen again. This appeal is accepted.
    Jiltism likes this.
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