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Helper Application from JacksonRop2442

Discussion in 'Denied' started by JacksonRop2442, Mar 9, 2016.

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  1. JacksonRop2442

    JacksonRop2442 Popular Meeper

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    Member Name JacksonRop2442

    Additional In Game Names: JacksonRop2442

    How old are you? 13

    Location: Australia(WA)

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 1-10

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 1-10

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's

    When did you join Meepcraft? 24th April 2015

    Introduction: Hello,

    My name is Jackson, I joined almost a year ago and i have enjoyed every moment on this server. I found this server because of my friend who has now departed the server.

    Why should you be Helper? I should be helper because i love to help people and get the satisfaction that i have helped someone! I have been on for almost a year. I know a few of your staff team (KlutchDecals) and he has helped me when i accidentally picked up a spawner when i was only a Citizen. I have experience with players and with other staff members, I am a nice person. I have good people skills. I have ample experience with all the skills required to be a helper or any other staff position.

    What are your weaknesses? My weaknesses are when a player insults me or my friends or someone that is important to me i can tend to get a bit annoyed.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I have skype: jackson_roper_2442
    If you need any other Info just ask. Thanks for taking the time to read this application.
  2. MiniArch_

    MiniArch_ Popular Meeper

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    Dude, c'mon man, earlier today you posted a profile post that said you just came back....don't apply right away, no one knows you.

    - short app
    - weak app
    - just came back
    - not active

    -1, you got a lot to work on, usually if you just came back to meep you wait about 2 months before applying, get to know the community again and understand the commands and the people.

    C'mon man, everyone says that....make your app different and special..

    You will really need to work on this, as staff you will probably get insulted a lot from people who don't like your choices.

    Give us some more meat on the intro! Help us get to know you and your personality!
    KaiUsesThis likes this.
  3. KaiUsesThis

    KaiUsesThis Celebrity Meeper

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    Bolded words are places I think you should write more about.
    Give more examples of how you are a nice perseon! Write more about it, and add some supporting details. Do you have any experience with people that would give you "people skills"? What other skills do you have that would give you ample experience with being a staff member? Are you dedicated? Work well with other players? Patient?

    Do you have any special moments on the server that are special to you? Are you involved in any clubs that we should know about? Try to talk more about yourself in the introduction and help us get to know you better!

    I'm at a -1 for now, but keep on trying and being an active community member and display traits that would make you a good staff candidate, and you might have a good chance!:D
  4. Midnight_Galaxy

    Midnight_Galaxy ✧゚・:*Forever Reading *:・゚✧

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    Here are a few points which you could work on as right now your application is extremely weak.
    - you should add some points on what you would do as a helper
    - your activity on meep, despite having a max of 10 hours, saying you may only be on for 1 isn't going to help people, you need to be as active as possible :) (personally I have not seen you on the server and I am on every afternoon for at least 4 hours and we live in the same country.
    - In your intro there isn't much there, try to be more specific, answer the who, what, when, where, how, why questions and then go into details about your time spent on meep.
    - You didn't have any references, references are what will prove you are an active helper and have what it takes and know your way around the server.

    For now your are at a -1 for me but if you improve your activity on meep and show people you really want this and hopefully it will change :)

    Happy Helping :D
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
    Cherrykit likes this.
  5. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    This is good and all, but, I want you to introduce yourself and you, not your meep life. Tell me about yourself, it doesn't have to be anything special, try looking at accepted apps for some better examples.
    This is a nice start, I think you should add more in-depth reasoning and just details in general. You have to let us get to know in order to trust you.
    This isn't really a weakness but simply human nature. We're looking for stuff like immaturity or impatience, this could fall under the general irritation or anger issues. Also, how are you working on this?

    Overall, short app, needs more detail, look in accepted apps for examples.
    Also, your status said you've come back from a break. I haven't seen you active at all. Try being super active 1-2 months, try again.

    Overall, I don't know you enough, get more active and work on the app.
  6. Zoe89

    Zoe89 ℓιgнтωєιgнт ςяαzу

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    So, you have a nice base paragraph for your 'Why', but you need to expand it;
    How so? Are you good at empathizing, collaborating, or solving arguments?

    And modest too What makes you a nice person?

    These are some examples. For now my vote is -1 for the following reasons;
    1) I have not seen you in any part of the server

    2) Your app was lacking
    3) Even though you've been on for a while, you still don't seem to be aquatinted with a lot of people (even though you have 'people skills')

    Please work on the above.

    Nonetheless, goodluck,
    Cherrykit likes this.
  7. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    Who are you?
    Never seen you on any aspect of the server.
    Short app.
  8. ryanjman21

    ryanjman21 Celebrity Meeper

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    If you put no time into your app, how do you convince me that you are going to be active, and put time into helping the server?
  9. Miku

    Miku One Hell of a Miku Staff Member Mod

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    -1 From me for the following reasons.

    - Actvity
    - Not really sure who you are
    - App could be improved
    - Need to be more helpful

    I like your hours, and your timezone, but work on those other things first.
  10. PeriHeika

    PeriHeika Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello JacksonRop2442, thank you for applying. We are going to deny this application. Please try to become more active and more familiar with the server. You may not apply any sooner than 2 weeks. Have a nice day!
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