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Denied Forum appeal n00bslayer_99

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by nubslaya_69, Oct 10, 2014.

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  1. nubslaya_69

    nubslaya_69 New Meeper

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    Forum's name: n00bslayer_99
    When you were banned: 30 days ago
    Reason: You have been banned.
    Ban Length: I'm gonna guess forever
    Staff Member: I'm gonna guess Onis
    Why we should consider your appeal:
    Okay, I'd like to start off by apologising. I completely exploded at the ban gotten even after sorting out any problems that were there with jmelara and a mod.
    I am not asking to be unbanned In-game, just on the forums. I miss the forums a lot as I do the meep community.
    TBH, I don't really know what to say. For the past few days I have been thinking up a huge apology, something that sounds very sincere and apologetic, however now that I'm here writing, it's hard for anything to flow through my fingers. But all I really want to say, and can say, is that I am sorry.
    Cherrykit, Forest, Grandblue and 2 others like this.
  2. KariStar86

    KariStar86 Heroine of Time

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    I'll ask someone higher up to take a look at this... in the meantime, NOT ban evading would probably help. :) Please do not post with this alternate account, while you are banned, for anything other than your ban appeal.
  3. nubslaya_69

    nubslaya_69 New Meeper

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    Sorry, will not happen again
    KariStar86 likes this.
  4. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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  5. creeper2812

    creeper2812 Well-Known Meeper

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    Since I can no longer pretend to argue from his view, I will argue from my own...
    Forum's name: n00bslayer_99
    when was he banned: 33 days ago
    Reason: You have been banned.
    Ban length: forever...
    Staff member: guessing Onis...
    Why we should consider your appeal for him:
    I have many reasons to wanting n00b unbanned,
    Yes, we are ex-brothers and of course that is some of the reason, however there is more. As many have witnessed in the past, n00b is a great person to have around. He is dedicated to doing his best for the people around him. He continuously makes suggestions and contributions to meep, as well as strongly supporting his own opinions. I think n00b himself is a great contribution to meep, and as he can't himself, I am requesting his unban from the forums.

    If you would like to contact him I will provide Steam or Skype on request.
    Please note; he is on steam a lot and can easily be found there.
  6. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    Certainly seems to match up rather nicely. After his actions on the forums, he is no longer welcome here - however nice he might actually be. Denied.
    superbros1211 likes this.
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