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Accepted Creeperdeath157 Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by creeperdeath, Apr 20, 2014.

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  1. creeperdeath

    creeperdeath Well-Known Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): Creeperdeath157
    Date/Time: About 1 week ago (I had not been on for a few days and when i came back i was banned)
    Reason: Automatic Fish Farm in Skyblock
    Ban Length: Permanent
    Staff Member: Sjoeppappentrap
    Why we should consider your appeal: So I'm not quite sure what was illegal but one thing I was told was that macros are illegal with fish farms. I can assure you i did not use macro. I would just fish there for a while and hold down my mouse key and watch TV or something. I guess you would just have to believe me about that though. The other reason is that i asked a staff member about it. Sorry i cant remember the name of the staff but it was a tech and we talked about it for a while then he decided that it was completely legal. I don't know if the rules have changed recently but this was about 6 weeks back before skyblock reset. I would recognize the name of the tech if i saw it. I'm also not sure why this was permanent. I guess macros are a bigger deal than i thought but i would think a warning was expected. Either way, what happened happened and all i can do is tell the truth because i don't use macros and hope that you guys believe me. Thank you for reading and considering my appeal. -Creeper
    Flamedemond likes this.
  2. Sjoeppappentrap

    Sjoeppappentrap Sjoeppappentrap Elder

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    Hello creeperdeath,

    All the rest of fish-farm users received a reduce to 7 days. And so will you. You can enjoy Meepcraft again.

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