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Denied banned for asking a question?

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by FCS_Vince7272, Sep 7, 2013.

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  1. FCS_Vince7272

    FCS_Vince7272 Popular Meeper

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    somehow it came up in chat that we were not allowed to discuss "lady parts", because it was considered sexual, when i brought up that not everything about anatomy was sexual, a few players said some fairly nasty things about myself. I asked how was it unexceptionable to discuss anatomy, yet insults were fine, and I received a ban. I feel this was very un-professional, and groundless.
  2. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    You said 'so i can't talk about ****** or *****, but insulting each other is fine?'

    This is inappropriate and you knew it, was not a question about the language. You could have refrained from using these words, especially if you knew it was inappropriate as it seems you did in your comment.
    Notchbeard and mrpenwolf like this.
  3. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    This is denied, I discussed this with Deinen and a few other staff members and it was agreed this was in appropriate. Please wait out the 1d tempban.
    trdavis25 likes this.
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