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Denied Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Vfd, Jul 2, 2014.

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  1. Vfd

    Vfd New Meeper

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    IGN: Vfd11
    When Banned: 1 minute ago
    Reason: Sexual Content
    Ban Length: 3 Hours
    Staff Member: Lespauls19
    Why we should consider it: Cause I said so...

    ( I Got banned for Saying "Gay" Woupeee, thats not really bad...
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 2, 2014, Original Post Date: Jul 2, 2014 ---
    On my opinion if you look up in the dictionary Gay: Its really means HAPPY :D I was happy so was lespauls19 cause she won 800k of me.. So... Yah
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 2, 2014 ---
    Also btw, you spelt my name wrong its (V)fd11
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 2, 2014 ---
    Oh my bad Lespauls19 Didn't ban me slicknsly did
  2. Lespauls19

    Lespauls19 Popular Meeper

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    Please don't waste either of our time by trying to pull the multiple definition crap. We both know you were mad because you lost dicing and you were using that term to categorize me as having a certain sexual orientation which is hateful and offensive. Now I would recommend going outside, calming down and maybe doing something constructive off the computer.
    rrh18, Jiltism and Muunkee-Alexia like this.
  3. Vfd

    Vfd New Meeper

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    I just went camping lol
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 2, 2014, Original Post Date: Jul 2, 2014 ---
    Also I was mad, yes... I already know that you told me twice.. Not need for the third time... So now Im going to wait staring at my computer waiting for 3 hours #Playing The Waiting Game
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 2, 2014 ---
    Im dicing 100k /msg me
  4. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Although this is denied because of the above statement, I do feel you deserve an explanation for a ban that you obviously see as unfair.

    The word you used, and especially how you used it as an insult, is considered hate language by our server. The fact that it was once used as a synonym for 'happy' is irrelevant; you clearly know that nowadays, the only definition for the word is negative and insulting.

    On the basis of this, it is very unacceptable to ever use this word on our server. I hope you understand, and refrain from doing so again. Take these 3 hours to think about learning to think before you type/send a message :)
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