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Denied Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Warriormma66, Jun 26, 2014.

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  1. Warriormma66

    Warriormma66 New Meeper

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    My friend and I (Warriormma66 and xSpinnerx) were banned because someone with the name of Bass_Flow said to teleport to him, so we did, and when we got there, there were multiple chests. All of these chests were not locked so we could go in them. There was nothing to good in them and they were not locked so we thought it was just free stuff. As soon as bass_flow realized this he locked all the chests. Then he demanded that we put it back because it was his. We didnt know it was his stuff. And when we tried to put it back all the chests were locked so we couldnt. I (Warriormma66) personally messaged him asking if he wanted it back, he did not reply. I did this multiple times with no answer. So we got banned for a misunderstanding. We tried to put his stuff back(Not even knowing it was his when we took it) but could not. And the person that banned us wouldnt even let us explain so we had to get our other friend to help. He politely stated our case and was told to come here and file an appeal. So that is what I am doing, hoping someone understands that it was all a misunderstanding and we could not put the items back, even though we tried. There was no warning. We had no clue. We could do nothing about it after he locked the chests. We are not thieves. We do not want that title. I understand why you would think we stole but it was a misunderstanding. Please read this and give it a chance. Thank you.
    Cherrykit likes this.
  2. Thee Boss

    Thee Boss Celebrity Meeper

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    please follow the format:
    staff who banned you:
    reason you were banned
    why you should be unbanned
  3. Warriormma66

    Warriormma66 New Meeper

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    i have to go as soon as i get back i will do that format
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 26, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 26, 2014 ---

    My IGN is Warriormma66. My friends is xspinnerx.
    The date was and is 6/26/14.
    The staff/mod tat banned us was abbythrowsstuff, or abbythrosstuff... One of those. He/She banned us for Towny Theft..
    This is why I think we should be unbanned. There were multiple chests. All of these chests were not locked so we could go in them. There was nothing to good in them and they were not locked so we thought it was just free stuff. As soon as bass_flow realized this he locked all the chests. Then he demanded that we put it back because it was his. We didnt know it was his stuff. And when we tried to put it back all the chests were locked so we couldnt. I (Warriormma66) personally messaged him asking if he wanted it back, he did not reply. I did this multiple times with no answer. So we got banned for a misunderstanding. We tried to put his stuff back(Not even knowing it was his when we took it) but could not. And the person that banned us wouldnt even let us explain so we had to get our other friend to help. He politely stated our case and was told to come here and file an appeal. So that is what I am doing, hoping someone understands that it was all a misunderstanding and we could not put the items back, even though we tried. There was no warning. We had no clue. We could do nothing about it after he locked the chests. We are not thieves. We do not want that title. I understand why you would think we stole but it was a misunderstanding. Please read this and give it a chance. Thank you.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 26, 2014 ---
    Hopefully that one works...or do i have to create a whole new thread?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2014
    Jiltism likes this.
  4. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    I will contact abby about this, thanks for using the format and being patient :)

    (also bass_flow is a girl)
    Splendy likes this.
  5. Amzez

    Amzez New Meeper

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    Now, I (Rico_bomb) was here when this happened. As I was playing, bass_flow said to tpa to him to buy heads. I went to him, found a head i wanted, and tried to ask, but i had my chat on command only. As I tried to figure out what happened with my chat, bass and i saw xspinnerx stealing from a large chest full of enchanted books. After about 10 minutes, another mod named abbythrowstuff came. Bass told abby, and the two got banned. I found out what was going on with my chat, fixed it to Shown, went to my ender chest to get steak, ate 2 pieces, stood for a second, and was banned for 2 days due to "Towny Theft." Bass told abby "not rico" before i got banned.
  6. Warriormma66

    Warriormma66 New Meeper

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    xspinnerx thougth he could take them cuz the chest wasnt locked but he tried to put them back..but couldnt. we really are not thieves. its not something we do. And thank you chaos
  7. Amzez

    Amzez New Meeper

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    If he didnt want to take them, we could've just looked inside instead of taking a whole inventory full of books.
    Jblopez16 likes this.
  8. Warriormma66

    Warriormma66 New Meeper

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    But we thought it was free.. I guess she just forgot to lock the chests.. Big misunderstanding.. As soon as i saw spawners i backed out and told him i dont think its free stuff.. And we stopped... All a misunderstanding.. I will see if i can talk to her about it all
  9. bass_flow

    bass_flow Celebrity Meeper

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    I saw you guys taking stuff out my chests, i told you to put it all back many times before i locked the chests, but you both carried on taking stuff. And you also went to other chests and if you were gonna put it back why didn't you put it in there????
  10. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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  11. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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  12. Amzez

    Amzez New Meeper

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    That's the thing. I (Rico_bomb) was helping bass. I followed spinner around to see if took anything else. I didn't have anything in my inventory expect 12 steaks that i just bought after the two were banned. As the two kept going into the chests, i msg bass to come. He saw, and then the rest happened. After spinner and warriorman got banned, i needed food because i couldn't run. I bought 12 steaks from doing /buy
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  13. Warriormma66

    Warriormma66 New Meeper

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    I swear i tried to put it back. I even messaged you. I already admitted to taking the stuff. But i only saw you say stop taking the stuff one time. And thats when i stopped. And when you said put it back i went to other chests to see if another one was open so i could give it all back to you. But not one chest was open and i didnt want to just drop it so that someone else could take it. As i have said before the chests were locked after we took things because you locked them very fast. After i saw spawners i told him i don't think its free stuff. And we stopped. And that is when you locked them. And that is also when i messaged you with no reply. We tried multiple chests to see if they were open. Not one was so therefore we couldn't. And just saying but shouldn't the Moderator see what is happening on both sides before they just ban someone? Or is that just every other server in the world?
  14. bass_flow

    bass_flow Celebrity Meeper

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    What i said was more aimed at your friend as hes the one who saw all my warnings, i'm not sure when your turned up
  15. Warriormma66

    Warriormma66 New Meeper

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    But i dont want to argue so ill end this. I am sorry for taking your belongings. I will return them when i get back on. I apologize. I hope we can get along after this.
  16. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    All bans related to this situation are up at this point. Moving to denied.
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