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Denied Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Zappire, May 10, 2014.

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  1. Zappire

    Zappire New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): Zappire
    Date/Time: This morning between 8am and 10am. I don't know the exact time.
    Reason: I was accused of using a hacked client.
    Ban Length: I don't know, I am new to the server and am not very well aware of the rules. I think that it is permanent, but it does not say anything on the thread as to the length
    Staff Member: MrsMegan
    Why we should consider your appeal:
    I was not using any hacked clients, and there is not any evidence in the video (http://meepcraft.com/threads/haaaaaaxxxxxx.23707/) that I was. My internet was not working very well this morning, so my character was glitching a bit. I am sorry that they thought I was hacking, and I am glad that there are staff members who answer reports promptly.
    addyawesome01 likes this.
  2. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm sorry to say but the events that took place in that video clearly show "glitches" that are only possible on a hacked client. No amount of lag does that. If you can file another appeal in no less than two week and not lie to us, it may get reduced. Till then.
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