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Accepted Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Pondie, Feb 15, 2014.

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  1. Pondie

    Pondie New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): pondie778
    Date/Time: February 13; yesterday
    Reason: x-Ray glitch
    Ban Length: perm
    Staff Member: LexKristen
    Why we should consider your appeal:
    First I would like to say I am very sorry. I was bieng inconsiderate and decided to not read the rules posted here at meepcraft.com. I swear I will never again partake in the act of trying to use the x ray exploit glitch. I have thoroughly read the rules and will ask if I don't really know if something is allowed or not. Thanks for the consideration in my appealing.
  2. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    I really appreciate your apology. I will accept your appeal and reduce your ban down to 7 days. Please do not not try such things on our server again.
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