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Denied Ban Appeal - Martinq17

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Klitch, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. Klitch


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    Ign: martinq17
    Date/Time: Like 3 min ago.
    Reason: Illegal plot kicking.
    Ban Length: 2 days
    Staff Member: First talked about by Chaos546, Issued by abbythrowsstuff
    Why we should consider your appeal:

    Well first off, I never saw this req in time for me to reply and give my side. When Lilstokes was appointed as assistant, I layed down ground rules. I specifically said that no plots were to be claimed by her whether they were forsale or unowned (she agreed to these rules as well). I also had a member that was very active in my town that was very distressed because he randomly lost his plot to Lilstokes. It appears that he was kicked from town b/c of taxes. I immediately kicked Lilstokes as she violated the rules I set down (I specifically told her that any infraction would result in kick and demotion). I /mailed her and told her to /mail me for info/questions (which she didn't). This is no infraction by me as she knew the rules and she didn't follow them.
    _Chef_Carrott_ likes this.
  2. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    Here is the proof, I could not find any proof of you giving Lilstokes any warning, you just simply removed them of all ranks and kicked them sans warning, this is something you cannot do. You then sold the town to another person and became assistant of another town, pursuing to the fact that you are no longer the mayor of sweg.
    Another staff member will accept or deny this.
  3. Klitch


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    No warning was given because a warning which she specifically agreed to when she first joined was set: If she broke any rule or did anything against my permission then she would be kicked, no warning. She blatantly agreed. And I left the town simply because I wanted to... That has nothing to do with this. I even had signs on the side of the house saying "ACTIVE -- DO NOT KICK" I might have claim on there too I can't remember. But she broke the rule that she agreed to so therefore, it resulted in kick. She had no valuables either way... The plot she owned was of the one and only active member in the town that I said not to kick or take his plot. I took the plot from her and gave it back to him because it was his and not hers to take.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 12, 2014, Original Post Date: Mar 11, 2014 ---
    So uh.. Someone just put this in denied or accept it b/c I'm leaving for Italy tomorrow and I won't be here to see me get unbanned.. So just accept or deny.. Easy as that.
  4. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Denied at the request of the user.
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