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Accepted Ban Appeal and Apology

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by resepignev, Oct 10, 2014.

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  1. resepignev

    resepignev New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): resepignev
    When you were banned: 5th October
    Reason: Ads
    Ban Length: Permanent
    Staff Member: DevilSpawn112
    Why we should consider your appeal: Well on that day I joined Meepcraft for the first time. I admit I advertised a server with Name and the IP. Normally I'm not such a advertising kiddy. I also know that advertising is on almost all servers punishable, but I did it. I'm really sorry that I did it. I also harassed DevilSpawn122 and other players. That's why I want to apologise. Sorry DeviSpawn that I was mean to you and that I harassed you and the other players. I'm truely sorry for what I did and I'm angry for myself that I did it. Now I can't explore MeepCraft and I don't know what games this server has. I hope you understand what I mean.
    Bloopers, Jiltism and StopResetting like this.
  2. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    I'm extremely happy to see an apology. Not for myself, but for the other players that you harassed and said mean things to. I do not like banning people. In hopes to see change, I would like to make an agreement. Can we agree that you will never advertise again?
  3. resepignev

    resepignev New Meeper

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    Sure! I promise I never will advertise any server or website on the meepcraft. Thank you.
    EDIT: I don't even know why I advertised the server. I just was just brainless at this moment,
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  4. reggles44

    reggles44 NANA NaNa nana NaNa NANA NaNa nana NaNa, REGGLES! Elder

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    In the future if we find any form or advertisement from you it will be an instant permban with no appeal allowed.
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