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A Smol Rant Of Mine & A Suggestion

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by ferpyderpy, Jun 7, 2018.

  1. ferpyderpy

    ferpyderpy Well-Known Meeper

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    I have no idea why but I decided at first to say this through posts on my own profile?? I didn't think too much to decide at all to try posting in the forums. Anyways, I copied and pasted what I said below. It's simple (and/or self explanatory). If anyone would like to comment on it or anything go ahead. It's just simple stuff I wanted to get off my chest that bugs me about the server- yet at the very least maybe multiplayer Minecraft... I would stick to normal solo but it does get boring and lonesome, and the community on here is too good to be true (from my perspective and experiences anyways).
    • Is it bad I don't want to play this server anymore? I go away for so long and everything in my town plot is always gone cause of it. :c
    • If it were up to me I would make it fair that the people behind the towns should warn people if they are willing to rid of (...) their plot!
    • It's really hard to try again. I saved meebles for some of the stuff I had in my place. It's irritating! :c
    • My suggestion is that the town owners warn the player not from the game but from on here, or even better maybe e m a i l? Oi.
    • I'm done with my posts of ranting. You all get my point now probably. xD
    This all effects my mood and my passion for the server. I do love it a ton and it's the only server I'm willing to play, but when I come back after months or nearly a year, -which has been happening two years in a row now- I come back to having to find another town again, having to save for things I like, such as decor (ya know the mini custom boxes like food, electronics, social media, etc.).

    I just thought that this was maybe a good thing to bring up for players like me? If.. there's even anyone else that has one too many games to choose from.

    Other than this I think the options are that this suggestion could be taken to consideration, or people could tell me to suck it up and play more often. Sadly though I'm not good at sticking to one game. ;^;

    I have no clue how to end a thread. But it's the end. There's the line below:
    • All of this is no longer on my profile since it's ridiculously stupid. It works better off on here. :l
    • And yes people I like to makes faces. A lot. Deal with it. Even if its cringe. -n-
    Pmx728 likes this.
  2. DarkKnight49x

    DarkKnight49x ⏦ ❀ The True Dark Knight ❀ ⏦

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    I think several people like making faces ^-^ But regardless, if you do decide to leave the server for a while, do note that you can always contact the town staff members about leaving for more than 2 weeks (which is the limit for when town staff can kick players who are inactive without warning) and they'll understand that you need to go for sometime. Just be specific cause certain towns may have rules and also do remember that your res information (/res) will reset/clear after 60 days which could also be the reason why you may have been kicked/removed from the town if you were gone for that long.
  3. ferpyderpy

    ferpyderpy Well-Known Meeper

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    Okie. It makes sense now you bring that up! I hardly thought about any of that. XD Thanks a lot although I don't know what town would let me keep my place for how long I'm usually away for (Talk about RIP v.v). It must suck to be me but oh whole I guess I can manage with what I can. ;s; Thanks again! :3
    SuperDyl likes this.
  4. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    Inactive players are never kicked from my town, if you are still looking for one to join shoot me a message.
    SuperDyl and GroovyGrevous like this.
  5. twomoo1119

    twomoo1119 Celebrity Meeper

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    Kling if you are offline for 60 days you get auto kicked
    Pmx728 and SuperDyl like this.
  6. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

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    I second this statement .
    SuperDyl likes this.
  7. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    Cheers Einstein. We still never kick inactive residents like a few towns do when players have been offline for x amount of time.
  8. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    I get where you're coming from. The server's been on a downward spiral where it just gets more and more boring for me, to the point I go weeks without going on. It's good to like different things- I've been investing my time playing with my buds in Don't Starve Together, and it's much more fun than meep imo. Maybe eco servers just weren't for me, but then what on earth was I doing 2 years ago when the playerbase was bigger?
    ferpyderpy likes this.
  9. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    sounds like ur inactive and ur upset that ur inactive
    SuperDyl likes this.

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