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Helper Application from riri30

Discussion in 'Denied' started by riri30, Oct 2, 2017.

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  1. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    Member Name riri30

    Additional In Game Names: ADyakitori#4575, on Discord

    How old are you? 16

    Location: Geneva, Switzerland

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-3.5 hours

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 1-7

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's @KlutchDecals @Kling @CluelessKlutz @GroovyGrevous @Courtneyyy

    When did you join Meepcraft? September 2012

    Introduction: Hi there!
    I’m known as Riri on Meep, but you can call me rehreh, ricerice, El Nooberino or just Lucas. I turned sixteen in June of 2017, so I’m still pretty young.
    I’m studying biochemistry in Geneva, where I live, with hopes of becoming a doctor in the next few years. The town and country are the best I could ever have had!
    I actually live in an old medieval city near Geneva. The weather is pretty much rainy, rainy and more rain, but we find fun where we can. My friends and I work night shifts in a nightclub owned by a common friend of ours’ dad. We’re supposed to be in charge of checking ID cards, but the job mostly includes laying around and lounging in the back room. Switzerland is a great country; we have nice people, nice food and slack laws!
    Now to minecraft.
    I started playing minecraft when it came out, 2011 or 2012, and I remember it being absolutely sick. The first few months was just discovery, everything possible in-game blew me away. After having “mastered” single player, it became boring. So a new adventure started: finding a decent, long term and child appropriate server (at this time I was only twelve).
    I then stumbled upon Meepcraft on a minecraft forum or another website, with the tags “Parkour”, “Towny” and some others. Being the parkour addict that I am, I obviously gave it a try. It was awesome. After completing the City parkour, I asked my brothers to come and help me build a plot in towny, and that was the start of a great time on Meepcraft.
    We went from town to town, building stuff and getting known in the community with which we fell in love. We were known as the three thirties, as all our in-game names ended with a “30”, tradition which I still kept.

    Why should you be Helper? First off, I’m a laid back person, and I feel I have a great connection and interaction with the fabulous community within which I’ve made great friends all while keeping focused on my work. I enjoy being fun and playful and truly love welcoming newcomers as well as helping them out as best I can, but do not hesitate when a punishment is needed, and I do not make biased decisions.
    Before anything else, Meep, or minecraft in general, is for me a hobby. My studies always come first, no matter what circumstance. But I can however dedicate many hours per day to Meepcraft.
    Then, I think that my experience in the matter makes me suitable. I am well aware of all the punishments and rules that Meep has, and I am confident I can enforce them.
    I know all prism, towny and other commands a helper is supposed to know, and am able to keep a pretty decent modreq count, all while keeping a good relationship with the community, which for me, is the most important part of the Helper position, as I think they should be as interactive as possible.
    I also am active on discord, though I don't write much, forums, and teamspeak. I like sharing my thoughts openly, and listening to other people’s thoughts, talking to them or even just reading the memes channel on discord (read it, laughs guaranteed).
    As for criticism, I genuinely have grown to take it positively and use it to improve myself. I know how to admit when I have made a mistake, like I have done several times (ie. saying something which wasn’t correct) and know how to apologize as well as correct myself.
    Now, the for the time zone.
    I get to see the other side of Meep, like Mister Kling. There sure are much less people, but that doesn't mean it doesn't need moderation. I think I fit in well last time in terms of time zone, and think I’d be a fit this time, if I was to get accepted, too.
    As for the work ethics, when I do something, I do it good. I don’t finish it half way, and am determined to complete something to the best of my abilities.
    When someone needs defense, I do not hide behind my beliefs, but stand up for them until the very last moment, as I did.
    I have also taken leadership classes at the famous IMD university of Lausanne, hoping it would make a great addition to my resume for college.
    I have learnt how to make choices, what they’ll influence, by following the “terrorist negotiations” class since 4 months. In that short time, I have learnt to act calmly and be understanding while searching for solutions, as well as not saying things twice, so making a first sentence as complete and clear as possible.

    What are your weaknesses? I speak my mind often, and think after. This has never caused too much of a problem, as I never post anything inappropriate, but can sometimes be extremely random and out of the subject. Though since a few months, this hasn’t been an issue, and I’ve been working on it.
    I also tend to speak to fill in the blank space, and can say stupid stuff.
    Being a laid back person, I sometimes can come out as immature. I think that this is something perceived negatively by many, though I always try my best not to mix fun and games with duty.
    I am also immature. Not too bad, but I can come off as slightly childish sometimes.
    Lastly, my english grammar ain’t great, as we only learn french writing in school. I am fluently orally, so I don’t have much problem formulating stuff, but when it comes to typing when I don’t have auto-correct on like here, it becomes a little complicated but nevertheless understandable.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I am certain my demotion will be questioned here or in my interview, if I end up getting one.
    So let’s clear some stuff up.
    It’s a demotion, not a resignation, which isn’t the greatest thing when someone plans one reapplying. Long story short, I said the wrong thing to the wrong person.
    I have learned from my mistakes, and definitely understood them.
    If you have any question regarding my demotion, my application or about me, I’ll try to answer them to the best of my possibilities. Mail me in-game, on discord or on forums.
    cooey, iKitten, qazini and 3 others like this.
  2. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

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    Nice app, +1
    iKitten, Pmx728 and riri30 like this.
  3. Vexmae

    Vexmae Royal-Tea Staff Member Mod Media

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    the same with me, your demotion wasn't too long ago, and people are saying mine was a short time ago too, how can we know that you won't do what you did again? just saying 'you've learned' says nothing, it could be complete lies and you could come back the exact same, myself included if you think that I'm not blaming myself for my demotion, in order to prove to the staff team you're not going to do what you did you need to prove it, because tons of 'I'm sorry I won't do it again it was a mistake' won't help if you carry on doing the exact same thing constantly, take Jake (Cryo) as an example. not staff wise, but lying wise, he made thread after thread saying that he will change after every ban he has got and he hadn't changed, look where he is now, you need to show the staff somehow (I'm not sure how either) the reason as to why you won't get yourself in the same situation again otherwise people will question your trust and eventually it will be like 'the boy who cried wolf' and once you've really understood and promise you won't do it again, no-one will believe you. I'm unbalanced because you was a good staff member but I don't think you gave yourself enough time to really reflect on your demotion but the app was good. -/+
  4. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    To start off, you know exactly what I did, as you were the one to whom I sent what I leaked.
    When I did, I thought it would help you out, but have genuinely learned not to share staff information, as small as it may seem. Look where I’m at now; I’m not careless enough to make the same mistake twice.
    Now for the proof, the only way I can really prove myself is through actions, as you said.
    Besides joining the team again and doing a good job, how do you suggest I do so?
  5. Vexmae

    Vexmae Royal-Tea Staff Member Mod Media

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    Honestly, I have no idea, I'm trying myself and I have no idea what I'm doing, I've been told I'm making a start just by doing what I do but in all honesty I'm just doing what I normally do, but I'm not sure the same will stand by you. sorry I'm fenced off at this moment, all I can say is don't go the wrong way and make a mark on people that you can of how good of a staff member you can be and people will realise that you're worthy, but that's all I can say, but I shouldn't be the one to tell you how you want to get staff again, if you really want to do so, do as you intend and we will see the outcome of it.
  6. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    You are mature, very helpful to newer and old players, and a lot of fun to talk too. Not only are you in a great time zone, but I felt you were good at moderating global chat and handling situations.
    iKitten and riri30 like this.
  7. MasterTurtle

    MasterTurtle Popular Meeper

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    YES! I have been waiting for this!
    riri30, Pmx728 and iKitten like this.
  8. iKitten

    iKitten >^-^<

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    You have helped me before, and you did it with much grace, and you knew exactly what you were doing!
    riri30 and Pmx728 like this.
  9. TheTastyNacho

    TheTastyNacho Celebrity Meeper

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    Great staff member before and you can be a great one again! +1
    iKitten, riri30 and Pmx728 like this.
  10. OKNEM

    OKNEM Celebrity Meeper

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    You suit the job description perfectly. Friendly in global, happy to give a hand to anyone else. I understand we had a small misunderstanding a short while ago, but I was at fault and I apologize. I would definitely like to work with you in the near future.

    You know what you're doing. +1.
    iKitten, Pmx728 and riri30 like this.
  11. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    I'm not sure why you would want to be apart of MeepStaff when they demoted you for such a petty reason.

    I don't think that Meep currently needs any more staff members but if you were put on a waitlist or something then that would be cool. -/+ vote
  12. onceuponajano

    onceuponajano nump(t)y queen

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    Hi hunny bunch/reh reh,

    You are perfect for this job; you have past experience of being staff so will be able to get straight back into it again, very friendly with all players in global and a great player in general! However, you do have the demotion looming over your head and it was only recently that it happened. But I can see that you are actively trying to amend your mistakes and learn from them!!

    My vote is staying at +/- as I know you'll do great if you have the opportunity again but I'm unsure if applying at this point is too soon however little the mistake was.
  13. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    Nah, I was in the wrong 100%, and deserved a demote, that isn’t questionable. It would have set a bad example for others in the team, and it couldn’t have been let slip.
    I agree the staff team is at a pretty good size, but once again, my timezone’s an advantage. I’m usually and early waker, and play around 7am to 8am GMT+1, when usually no other staff is online. I then play (I should do some other healthier activities, agreed) some 2 or 3 more hours in the night time, which makes me available almost 12 hours a day.

    Thanks for your vote!
    iKitten and Pmx728 like this.
  14. jadenPete

    jadenPete Code Writer & Meme Trader

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    Coming from someone who often says stuff without thinking, I know exactly how you feel. People think that things like these are too big to be forgiven, and if it was on purpose then that is probably true. But I know from experience that things can slip and I don't think that an act of carelessness is worth not being staff again. You were a great staff member before, and I think you'd make an even better one now that you've learned from your mistakes. +1
    Pmx728, riri30 and iKitten like this.
  15. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    I don’t doubt your abilties.

    If you were to jump back in again, it’s just a matter of thinking a little bit more but I don’t think doing so demands much. I’ve gotten to know you over the past few months, and you’re a geniunely fun person to be around. There are few people who can start a conversation and can make you feel like you’ve known them for forever. You’ve also managed to get me out of tight spots sometimes. It’s just a good idea to think things through before doing things. Because trust me, I’ve gone through enough experiences to remember to do it. . .

    Good Luck!!!!
    Pmx728, onceuponajano and riri30 like this.
  16. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Talked in game, I generally do not wish for anybody that leaks to be let back into the staff team. You could've explained some things a bit more clearly than long story short.

    Please keep in mind that I don't have anything against you personally, but I just do not see you as qualified for a staff position.

    creepersareokay likes this.
  17. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    +1 always was helpful. As far as what you did, literally everyone on meep has impulse control issues. Me included for sure.
    Pmx728 and riri30 like this.
  18. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I literally have not met a single staff member that does not leak one way or another.

    +1 man youre okay
  19. MasterTurtle

    MasterTurtle Popular Meeper

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    Good luck man! I was told applications are closed tomorrow? Or no?
  20. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    Thanks bud.
    I think they’re supposed to be closed today.
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