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Helper Application from Bob4444444

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Bob4444444, Jan 29, 2016.

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  1. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    Member Name Bob4444444

    Additional In Game Names: aubel (sister's account), Snowball_N_H_C, Metzyx, xTrainz

    How old are you? 14

    Location: USA (Timezone is EST)

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-6

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-8

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's Boobear1227, Summrs, Junelawnchaired, GingerManOWNS, iMelXP, SpongeyStar, PeriHeika

    When did you join Meepcraft? August 19th, 2013

    Introduction: Hello Meepcraft! I am Bob4444444, and my real name is Brian. I am 14 years old and I’m a freshman in high school. I do indoor track, and plan on doing either golf or outdoor track in the spring. I greatly enjoy playing Minecraft, and I love hanging out with friends.

    I have been playing Meepcraft for over 2 years now. I have been staff here twice.. and demoted twice. I love the towny aspect of the server. I own a town in Beta, Port Charles, and I am a co-mayor in a town in Alpha, Butterland. But, along with towny, I also really enjoy the minigames, especially Hunger Games and Infected.

    Why should you be Helper? First of all, I am extremely active. I log on and check out all parts of the server everyday for hours at a time. I am very dedicated to the server, and I only want the best for the server. I have been playing for such a long time now and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. Because of my activity and dedication, I will be able to perform my job and do it to the best of my abilities. I will dedicate my time and effort to the players here and the server, making sure they receive the best experience possible, and making sure I make the server a better place for everyone; new players, old players, and even staff. You can count on me to make Meepcraft the best server it can be.

    My activity and dedication allow me to be very involved with the community. I love talking in global chat and interacting with the community; it's one of my favorite activities to do ingame. I also love talking to people on Teamspeak. It's always so full of life, and everyone is so friendly no matter who you are. It's full of fun, and it's what brings us all closer together. Being involved is very important in being a good staff member, and I feel that I am very involved in all aspects of Meepcraft.

    After my demotion, my reputation was dimmed, and I took a turn for the worse. I became a player who shouldn't be on staff, and I understand that now. 2015 was a bumpy year for me. I am going to try to best to change in 2016, and that I change for the better. It's been a over a year since my demotion, and I understand my mistakes. I am no longer as immature, irresponsible, unprofessional, nor as unprofessional as I once was, and now I feel that I would be a great fit on the staff team once again.

    What are your weaknesses? Immaturity- It has been said that I can be “immature” and “unprofessional” at times. Over my 2+ years here on the server, I have matured greatly, most recently in the past couple months. I have learned when it’s appropriate to be a little silly and when it’s time to focus and get things done.

    Conclusion: Thank you for reading my application! I feel more than prepared to take on this role than I ever have. All constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to all votes I will be receiving! I hope you all have a nice day, and Meep on!
  2. evilalec555

    evilalec555 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey Brian I enjoyed reading your application but I feel that you just aren't the guy for staff at the time. I would re-apply in a few months, for now -1 due to slight immaturity.
    Good luck
    Pmx728 likes this.
  3. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I only saw it coming two miles away
    +.5, while you can do the job, every time you get denied you come and say ''Never again.'' ''If staff doesn't want me, screw them.''
    I'm concerned.
    You're passionate when you want to be. Don't let it get you down. Just stop with the semi-activity. You can do this and you're better than most the current staff anyways.
    Keep on keeping on, I suppose.
    Bob4444444 and Fortemizuki like this.
  4. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    You seem super vague when you state what you actually did wrong when you were demoted.

    Bob, we went through a rough patch when we were staff together, but I hope that's healed. You were always very eager to pick up a few extra modreqs and help where you can with what you could. I believe that at times you can be mature, but I think another chance as helper will show if you can keep it in at the right times.
    Bob4444444 and Fortemizuki like this.
  5. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

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    I'm not going to leave a vote. Because it'll come off as biased but I will point out a few things about your bob.
    + You're truly dedicated to MeepCraft even while away you attempt to get online and help out.
    + You actually care about the community you love talking in Global you love being able to help people even without the Title [Helper]
    + Active
    +/- Can be immature but you've come a long way and have changed I believe
    + You always want to help you are motivated always to help.
    + I expect a lot out of you in Butterland and you always pull through you work ethic is good. We do have a few bumps every now and again but not enough to change the vote I would give you.

    Good luck bob!
    cooey, Bob4444444 and Fortemizuki like this.
  6. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    Listen Brian, I am a +/-
    -Immature at times
    +Helpful sometimes
    +Nice to people
    So as of now, no vote
    Also, you were a great moderator!
    Fortemizuki likes this.
  7. Vamp1re_Man

    Vamp1re_Man Celebrity Meeper

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    I thought that you were a very good staff member before, but I haven't seen you much since.
    My vote is +0.5 as I know that you were a good staff member in the past, the question is can you be a good helper now?
    Fortemizuki likes this.
  8. TechnoTyson

    TechnoTyson Popular Meeper

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    You play heaps +
    You know your stuff, I understand u are experienced with the plugins ect +
    Your maturity can vary +/-
    I see you in TS and In game and you always help me out +
    You always like to help people in need even not being helper +
    Overall you would be fit for the job and I am sure you wouldn't kill a chance a 3rd time
    Goodluck Bob
    Bob4444444 likes this.
  9. CaveSpiderSam

    CaveSpiderSam Popular Meeper

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    You are a great and mature person who loves to help. I don't remember you being Mod when I was around, but from what I'm reading, you would make a great staff member.
    +1 from me.
  10. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    you've been staff 3 times. Why have you not continued I had a chat with you earlier and idk you well so ill be -1 for now. Good luck!
  11. evilalec555

    evilalec555 Celebrity Meeper

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    Im going to change my vote to a +1 because looking at the recently accepted staff you just are more experienced and much more mature
    Bob4444444 and TechnoTyson like this.
  12. Lord_Walrus

    Lord_Walrus Popular Meeper

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    Giant +1

    +Nice Guy
    +Mature (Most of the time)
    +Overall fun to be around
    Bob4444444 and TechnoTyson like this.
  13. Dockson

    Dockson Celebrity Meeper

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    Definitely qualified. Active, knowledgeable, honest.

    To touch on what Monkey said, whether you'll be a moderator for a week or a year, make sure not to turn anti-staff right after a demotion/resignation. Please.
    Bob4444444 and TechnoTyson like this.
  14. Its_Madison

    Its_Madison Professional Nerd

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    You are so nice, fun to be around, and knowledgable! <3 Not to mention, I see you around A TON!

    (Also +1000 becuase of your past affiliation with FLL!)

    Good luck! <3

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
    Bob4444444 likes this.
  15. Metzy

    Metzy Popular Meeper

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    When I met you, almost a year ago, you were goofy, immature and over all hilarious, but you didn't know when to turn that off and take most situations seriously. Now, you're still the same goofball thats come to be one of my bestfriends, but you have changed! You know how to take things seriously, you know how to control yourself and step aside to calm yourself down.

    Your determination? Amazing. I find it astonishing how well you handle things and how you don't give up on something no matter how it goes. You know what you want and you never let yourself back down from it. You don't let anyone or anything get in the way of that.

    What I'm concerned about though, is you have a tendency to get a little irritated/frustrated easily, which might not help you in some situations. But if I know you, you'll definitely work on it if it becomes a bigger problem, because thats just how you do things.

    Overall, you're completely capable of doing the job at hand and I believe in you. You can do amazing things when you put your mind too it and that definitely boosts my confidence in you. You're great for this position and I hope you don't get denied for stupid reasons again!

    Best of luck! xx
    BooBear1227 and Bob4444444 like this.
  16. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

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    I've seen you grow into such an amazing person over the past 2 years. It has been incredible to see you go from being mature to more mature than most people my own age. Absolutely incredible seeing you as staff in the past, and I have mostly good memories of you minus a few things here and there. Definitely a +1 (even though I will look biased) because you've come so far from when you first got staff.

    Not only are you active, helpful, friendly, caring, and nice, but you have previous experience with being on the team and the work it takes. You are one of the most qualified people for the team, and if staff cannot see that, they need to look through a new perspective.

    Just to recap: +1 , extremely well qualified for the position
    cooey, Bob4444444 and junelawnchaired like this.
  17. PeriHeika

    PeriHeika Celebrity Meeper

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    After singing in the shower, I am going to +1
    -I would still trust you if I was blindfolded on a tightrope.
    -I have idolized your activity since the day I joined.
    -In the split second that I got helper, you were able to support me. You taught me a lot of things that were imperative to learn if I wanted to be a good staff member. You have been one of my go-to's if I need anything. If no staff were on and I had a question, I could guarantee an answer from you.
    -I am going to go along the lines of double jeopardy with your application.
    Sincerely, mr helper.
  18. Diamond_Finder34

    Diamond_Finder34 Active Meeper

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    Oh man bob, i remember when i first saw you help someone when you were a helper, which was me. (not to mention i didnt last a day without needing help)
    (oh good ol nooby me, always needing help from staff)
    You were very helpful, and your pretty active too. Ive talked to some of your alts.
    (Also i thought snowball was a girl o3o)
    +1, gl man
    Bob4444444 likes this.
  19. FillylandingXD

    FillylandingXD Popular Meeper

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    First, I would like to say that while you can be rather goofy at times, you get your point across in a serious tone.
    I had to work a few months under you- both in Butterland, and in Port Charles. You didn't treat the assistants like dirt, you made sure they did their job, and did it well. Sometimes, I almost regret leaving Port Charles. You made the town staff feel like family instead of workers.
    Secondly, there were rebellious stages for you, like, being anti staff. But you've matured into a well mannered and friendly guy over the last few months.
    in conclusion, I bid you good luck!
    Bob4444444 likes this.
  20. fasehed

    fasehed Celebrity Meeper

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    This is a very well written application it shows you put time into it. If you put time into this then hopefuly you will put time into the server
    Bob4444444 likes this.
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