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Denied 2nd Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by xXAaron04Xx, Apr 14, 2014.

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  1. xXAaron04Xx

    xXAaron04Xx Well-Known Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): xXDeath04Xx
    Date/Time: Around 12:30 PM Pacific Time
    Reason: X-Ray
    Ban Length: Permanent
    Staff Member: Quaddy
    Why we should consider your appeal: Well, it all started when I fell in a hole to bedrock. I did the command /warp rp to find a good biome to make money with /autosell. I then fell in a hole straight to bedrock. I was on TeamSpeak complaining about it, then someone suggested I tell DianaB72 about my issue so she could possibly salvage my god tools, god armor, etc. She then started going through my history and found some "interesting" stuff. I was, and I quote, X-Raying to spawners. I tried explaining that it was a misunderstanding and that it wasn't my fault. The reason I didn't think it was my fault is because I had given my account information to my friend so he could use my account. He wanted to use my account because I had recently purchased the Elite rank for $80 USD, so he used it to his advantage. DianaB72 took me to several spot where "I" (my friend) had gone to several spawners and took them. I had no proof at the time because I didnt know where I was in-game, and I haven't seen that spot before. She had then gotten staff member Quaddy to review her findings then take action from there. I was then banned permanently and to make a ban appeal. This is my 2nd ban appeal, so I am not sure what would happen. I do take ful responsibility for my 1st offence of Glitch Exploitation, and my 2nd offence for letting my friend use my account and X-Ray, but I do not think I should be punished for his faults. I do have a testimony, if you may call it that, from my friend with him admitting that he has used a custom "texture pack" to find these spawners. Now, will this help me? Most likely not, but I want to be clear about all this. I now realize that ANYTHING that is done on my account is MY responsibility whether I like it or not, but please, and I beg you, give me another chance. I have devoted much time to this server and hard earned money that I will never see again. I just want to play on this server, chat with friends, and help people. If this appeal is not accepted, I understand. I just hope that the staff of Meepcraft can find that I am not guilty for these crimes. I am responsible, but not guilty. I would never do something to the server that would get me punished. It would be a waste of my time, money, and hard work. I ask again to please give me one, last, final chance. Thank you for your time and consideration
    discdog1000 likes this.
  2. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Who is your friend?
  3. xXAaron04Xx

    xXAaron04Xx Well-Known Meeper

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    IGN: DrAcOKiLlA
    He hasn't been on in a while because he has been using my account so he can mooch off my rank (Elite)
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 15, 2014, Original Post Date: Apr 14, 2014 ---
  4. Sjoeppappentrap

    Sjoeppappentrap Sjoeppappentrap Elder

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    Hello xXDeath04Xx,
    I truly believe that one of your friends used your accounts to get the benefits of the elite rank, and that you were not aware of his illegal actions while playing. But we can't start unbanning all people that went through the same as you. If we would start doing that everyone should be unbanned. Therefor we have a rule that you're responsible for your own account and everything that happens with it. This means that you can appeal 1 month after the ban-date. (05-14-14)

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