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Denied Wow Seriously.

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Ace, Jun 21, 2014.

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  1. Ace

    Ace Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): Dark_Mineski
    When you were banned: Today
    Reason: use of hacked client/parkour exploitation (no appeal)
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: Jwarian
    Why we should consider your appeal: Are you serious? I want to see a proof of this silly ban. Hacked client? Are you for real? I recorded my games like a hundred times to catch hackers in kitpvp and I'm not using hacked clients. WHY WOULD I USE A DAMN HACKED CLIENT? I have no reason to use this + most of these silly hacked clients have key logger anyway so I see no reason for me to use this. Parkour exploitation? REALLY?
  2. Lilliya

    Lilliya Celebrity Meeper

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    dropping in here, I also heard use of hacked clients (which dae doesn't use), is a 7 day ban? justify? please?
    Bloopers, Sqreix and Ace like this.
  3. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

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    I've seen the evidence, it look legit and this is bigger than a 7d ban, way bigger. More than one account was banned over this offence. I'm not going to post the evidence. Once jwarian (or someone else) does it will be clear.
    superbros1211 likes this.
  4. Ace

    Ace Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm asking for that evidence to be shown.
    Draqq, Khafra and Sqreix like this.
  5. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

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    It will be shown - but not all of the written evidence will want to be posted for obvious reasons (don't bother asking what they are).
  6. Lilliya

    Lilliya Celebrity Meeper

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    BIGGER than a 7 day ban?

    In the change log, a staff mentioned that ALL HACKING BANS are 7 days? Tell me I'm wrong.

    Khafra, _Chef_Carrott_, Ace and 2 others like this.
  7. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

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    Most hacking bans are 7d, some can be more.

    Look this is technicly hacking + glitch abuse as well.
    I'm not writing anymore on this thread, just be patient and wait for Jwarian to present the evidence.

    Also check your other alts
  8. Ace

    Ace Celebrity Meeper

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    Alright guys. Be calm. I will prove that I'm innocent as I know to myself that I did not use a single HACKED client and never will.
    Lady_Hestia, Sqreix and Draqq like this.
  9. Ace

    Ace Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Proof will be uploaded probably tomorrow by Jwarian :)
    The proof that I really want is the "use of hacked client" I don't want this on my record since I don't trust those kind of clients.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 21, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 21, 2014 ---
    My brother shouldn't be banned but I'll make a ban appeal for him.

    IGN (In-Game Name): Talos0013
    When you were banned: Today
    Reason: use of hacked client/parkour exploitation (no appeal)
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: Jwarian
    Why we should consider your appeal: Because he didn't do anything wrong. Simple as that. In fact he doesn't log in that much anymore but, he still logs in to play SP and sometimes I ask him to do some stuff for me.
  10. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    I do not see this anywhere in the rules. Please cite where you see this in the rules.

    We can ban for whatever time length we want for whatever reason.
    The staff member who said that all hacking bans are 7 days was wrong.
    We have no need to show proof to you. Ace is fully aware of the rules broken, but continues to claim ignorance, so we will simply sit and wait.
    Ace: You have higher chances of getting unbanned by admitting to your mistakes than lying.

    By the way, an IP ban has been issued by me due to your actions.
    Thee Boss, Khafra, Jwarian and 4 others like this.
  11. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey Ace!
    Care to explain how you claimed the rewards for countryside parkour from this location using 142 accounts(edit:142 is all that could be ipmatched, there were more) that have already been IP matched? Including your mains?
    It has been tested to show that the only way to claim the reward from this location is with a hacked client and freecam, it has also been tested and shown that the only way to get to this block location is with an iron axe through block glitching :

    Also please explain what this is, it seems to fit my above mentioned question pretty well
    http://gyazo.com/988f1d2c124759c5280dd0ae3cea1389 hmm 30-35k huh? weird that its so close to the parkour reward.....

    After that explain why you're doing this for three weeks if all my other hundreds of pages of data and logs are wrong:
    Then explain why every alt has nearly the exact same pattern of :
    1.join meep
    2.warp to the chest setup and meet you
    3. you take the axe from the chest and drop it for the alt
    4. alt warps to parkour
    5. 2.5 minute average later you complete countryside parkour. (2.5 MINUTES! AVERAGE? ARE WE STUPID???)
    6. every account that completed the parkour left from inside a block, every hawkeye log shows you typing /spawn or the cute /pwarp jelly, from INSIDE A DOOR. None of the surrounding blocks have any of the matching log patterns. I.E. you were INSIDE A DOOR and not next to it.
    7. after the account warps back to your little setup, the account is usually cleared of the remaining balance, your sign used to be a bit different and left a ton of "502" balance accounts, which(before you changed your signs to .1) adds up to exactly the parkour reward(selling cobble for ~30k some) + selling the axe and cobble(for 2).
    I will not post the individual logs of each account executing the above mentioned procedure but rest assured any of the accounts banned have logs that show a "parkour quit" from inside the door + reward claim from that location + presence in front of your chestshop afterwards, we only needed one and your IP, I got data for every one, and IP matched them all.

    Once again all these accounts were verified to have been used by you to execute this exploitation method, if you can somehow manage to explain how you got into the exact same spot in a DOOR without using an axe to block glitch I would bring up the point of how you managed to hit a parkour rewards sign that is nearly 9 blocks away from you, through a fence/slab/door. Then once you come up with some sort of lame excuse, explain how you did it once the stairs were added, i.e. yesterday. THEN explain how you can complete parkour in 2 minutes and 3 seconds? Yea, thought so.

    You are sloppy Daed. I knew you would never be able to earn money the legitimate way, you take pride in your "shortcuts" and I noticed. You always refused my request that you(a seasoned meep player) set a better example for those around you, you failed and let them and us all down.

    Please re-appeal in no less than As onis says, you can either take the telinus route and act like you never had a hacked client, or you can simply admit it and come clean. In either case you'll still remain banned, albeit maybe different lengths. It is my judgement that you won't, and you'll just try to circumvent our bans. To that I say:
    Cya out there ;)

    ps. I got talos this time too.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2014
  12. Ace

    Ace Celebrity Meeper

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    Alright big boys it looks like I have some explanation to do.

    I will stick to what I said. I DONT USE HACKED CLIENTS. PERIOD.
    You remember that really laggy time of the server? Yea that gave me an idea on how to reach that sign easily. It's either I can give the whole idea here and now to be exploited by much more huge people than me, or I can talk to someone senseless enough to actually try the way that I used to slap the sign.

    So this is basically what I want:
    - Give the whole idea here and now and be exploited by other people and completely ruin the server.
    - Give the idea to a senseless staff member who will do the work that I tell them to do. (Hoping for Sjoe)
    - Prove that I do not use hacked clients.

    pretty simple ayy lmao.

    The way that I used to slap that naughty sign is really simple but, if people are not clever enough such as you Jwarian, they will not suspect a thing. You don't need anything. You just need to think and take advantage of what the game offers to you.

    We all know that these pathetic hacked clients are popular due to the fact that they can make you /fly /kill aura /whatever. Yea sure hacked clients can do that but, are you confident enough to say that hacked clients can defeat time and space? If so, please give me a link to that hacked client.

    Are you also sure about that hacked client of yours Jwarian? Are you sure that it doesn't have some sort of key logger crawling in it? You should really think about using that before it's too late. If you continue to use hacked clients well, I'm looking forward to see that account of yours in the list of available minecraft alts. :)

    Your "Proof" doesn't show me using hacked clients. Slander much? I hope you do get a proof of me using hacked clients because if you don't, you will be in a big big big trouble buddy.
  13. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    Explain how you did it today then.
    I see how you resort to threats after you get pinned. Interesting.
    JumboAce likes this.
  14. Ace

    Ace Celebrity Meeper

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    Do you want me to explain in this thread?
    00000 and Sqreix like this.
  15. Old_Pink

    Old_Pink Celebrity Meeper

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    As of a few months ago, it was definitely possible to do without hacked clients. I had someone show me how it was done before I got banned for an unrelated reason. Just because you didn't hack doesn't mean you are off the hook though, you could be banned for glitch exploitation.
  16. Ace

    Ace Celebrity Meeper

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    I will gladly take the glitch exploitation rather than getting banned for hacked clients which I did not use. :)
    Sqreix and creepersareokay like this.
  17. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    Also if you're planning on demonstrating that somehow your exploitation method didn't involve a hacked client, which you can't, you might want to try convincing the person who banned you first.
    As coelho said, you may want to take a different approach with you appeal, lying isn't going to get you very far this time.
  18. Ace

    Ace Celebrity Meeper

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    Unfortunately for you, I can. It works in ALMOST EVERY GAME (not just minecraft).
    00000, Sqreix and _Chef_Carrott_ like this.
  19. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    Your appeal is useless. Denied.
  20. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    I like how for months you yell misleading statements in chat about how you love to dupe, hack, and cheat. Multiple times we asked for that to stop? It never did. I find in curiously ironic to finally hear, "I don't hack". Cya around, or maybe cya on my account as you lovingly alluded to. ;)
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