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Denied Boejangles12's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Yo daddy boejangles, Jun 14, 2014.

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  1. Yo daddy boejangles

    Yo daddy boejangles New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name):boejangles12
    When you were banned:june 14
    Reason:hacking in kitpvp
    Ban Length:5 days
    Staff Member:quaddy
    Why we should consider your appeal:i am frusturated with you guys now. you dont have any proof that i am hacking. people say im hacking because im straifing and i dont even know what their accusing me of hacking and then quaddy has the audacity to temp ban me with out at least consulting me, im just disapointed . i wish there was a way you can detect hacking not by just apperance, because i can promise you i was not. its like judging a book by its cover because their are so many variables that can look like some one is hacking. sorry for sounding so crude and upfront but i just got the message 10 minutes ago and im still just blown away by how quick to judge you guys are.
  2. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    First, I want you to know that 0 staff members ban without proof, and proof beyond a reasonable doubt at that. You barely every have to worry about us being 'quick to judge', as we are very diligent.

    Here is the proof for your ban:

    It appears as though you have some sort of rapid fire or click mod.
  3. Yo daddy boejangles

    Yo daddy boejangles New Meeper

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    i dont have any clicker and also they were saying that i have aimbot even though im not even hitting all my shots.
    once again no proof your just judging a book by its cover. i dont know how to prove im innocent but if i could i would be back in pvp. rapid fire, im just shooting by pressing right click fast and hitting isnt hard, any one can hit as fast or faster, i can promise you that
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 14, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 14, 2014 ---
    the guy in the video is hitting as fast as i was
    gepadat likes this.
  4. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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    *whitness here but later on in the day*

    I was pvping against him and it took the combined effort of at first a vip kit, a supreme kit and me in elite to kill him ONCE, then after that it took 3-5 elite kits spamming fire arrows ALL AT HIM to kill him ONCE.

    Staff, if you want to know the names of the other possible witnesses please message me on the forums.

    And I was also hit by him multiple times in the same second when I was like 3 blocks away from him while I was running, I've been sword attacked by the great pvpers of this server and I have not ever seen them survive or do anything I just listed.

    Also if you you didn't catch it at around 35 seconds(stupid weird ipod) from the end of the video the just jumped down person/person that ran to be beside him insta dies WHILE HE IS ATTACKING THE STAFF MEMBER RECORDING HIM.

    The edit was for adding the possible witnesses part.
  5. Yo daddy boejangles

    Yo daddy boejangles New Meeper

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    thank you at least some one else here has eyes
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 15, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 15, 2014 ---
    its called having a mouse and speakers. you hear some one near you and turn your head twards them.
  6. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    I doubt this is the case, as nobody can maneuver that quickly using only their sense of hearing.
  7. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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    So attacking someone and insta killing them while punching another person to death in game is possible because of listening to sound?

    Hot damn I need better speakers.

    Note it was right after 8:43 in the video.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
    DiamondBoy and RaidByNightOnly like this.
  8. Yo daddy boejangles

    Yo daddy boejangles New Meeper

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    insta kill, there was no insta kill and even if so did you stop to think maby they had no health. you are soo clueless
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 16, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 16, 2014 ---
    no one can maneuver useing their hearing at all you idiot. i have my sensitivity high and straif. its not hard. you probably have a thumb pad so you wouldnt know what its like to use a mouse and turn around. im really not hacking and if your to idiotic to see that well thats your problem so dont make it my problem by telling admins lies and getting me in trouble for something i didnt even do! retard
  9. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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    Ohh calling staff stupid and an idiot, as well as calling them mentally challenged which is against the rules in the first place, bow I hope you get unbanned just so I can waych tou curse at staff more and get banned for even longer just like you probably will now for this.

    Also note that he is using very bad excuses for how he KILLED SOMEONE IN FULL IRON ARMOR IN UNDER FIFTEEN SECONDS.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
  10. Yo daddy boejangles

    Yo daddy boejangles New Meeper

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    Just because im ok at pvp dosnt mean im a hacker, if you were good at pvp you would know that you can kill someone easly, like i said before did you ever think that maby they had low health. and really calling them mentally challanged, your as clueless as the guy who got me banned i just said they were stupid not mentally challenged your putting words in my mouth and your the admins pet, so shut up because you have no idea whats going on. i thought this was an a b conversation, i dont think any one invited you here so step off. you suck at pvp and thats why it was easy to kill you and every other noob there.
    mentallly challenged phhhh, stupid prick.
  11. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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    I am now also a whiteness to you being so oblivious to the point where you can't even look at your own post and realize what you just said.
    And I know that only a truly skilled player can kill a staff member in full iron armor with THEIR FISTS, in under 15 seconds. Yup, you sure are skilled, even more so THAN ANY OTHER PLAYER ON THE SERVER.
    Also note that in the video at the time I listed when he killed that other person beside him he appears to be dealing two hearts of damage to skaros who is in full iron armor.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
  12. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

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    *Evidence* You clearly had aimbot when you were fighting me in the terrarium a while back, and a likely warning point incurrence probably won't help you in your appeal.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 17, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 17, 2014 ---

    Thanks @diamondtree777
    Empoleon_master likes this.
  13. Yo daddy boejangles

    Yo daddy boejangles New Meeper

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    Ok so say what ur saying is all true which it isn't. Your saying my killing some one with full iron armor with my fist, which didn't happen means I have aimbot like in the video "/r defiantly has aimbot"
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 18, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 18, 2014 ---
    I'm not even hitting you every time I hit about 90% of my hits but I'm still not hitting all, also he is lagging so it makes it look as if my head is locking on even though I'm not even crazily accurate.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 18, 2014 ---
    I also had thorns 3 on all my armor and that doesn't help make me look innocent :(
  14. Ranger_621

    Ranger_621 Well-Known Meeper

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    I've seen people temp-banned for a week in-game for saying that.
    Then say it to a staff member and call him an idiot and a liar.
    Bound not to go down well. . . All staff make mistakes sometimes. I don't think this is one of them
    Empoleon_master likes this.
  15. Iatemyfriends

    Iatemyfriends Supreme Leader

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    I reviewed the evidence. There is no hacks from what I can see. Like Mrli1 and diamondtree777 are seeing things. I have been pvping for over a year and I see no hacks. If he had aimbot he would lock on to ANY nearby target. He didn't do that. He didn't even lock on to Mrli1. Shouldn't have been banned.
    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  16. Ranger_621

    Ranger_621 Well-Known Meeper

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    At the moment, I don't really care whether he hacks or not. It's up to the staff members to decide. Right now I'm more concerned about him insulting other players and staff. If he does it on the forums it's possible that he does the same in-game.
  17. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    Denied, ban has already expired.
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