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Denied Spiderattitude Forum Ban

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by SA's Alternate, Apr 13, 2014.

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  1. SA's Alternate

    SA's Alternate Guest

    IGN: Spider_strike (does not apply)
    Date/Time: April 13, 2014 / Around 1:50 PM
    Reason: Rules violations
    Ban Length: 2d
    Staff Member: Unknown
    Why we should consider your appeal: I have been one of the top post-per-days for two days now, and I was banned for rules violations. I'm assuming it was because I posted in Charley910 or whatever his name was, ban appeal saying that my friend saw him. This is not off-topic.
    Anyway, I would like to go back onto the forums also because I don't have an actual account at the moment. I'm planning to attempt to get mine back later.

  2. HotAsianBeans

    HotAsianBeans Celebrity Meeper

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    image.jpg Last time I checked it is illegal to make an alternate forum account while you are forum banned and use it for anything other than appealing.
  3. SA's Alternate

    SA's Alternate Guest

  4. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    You have multiple offense for posting unrelated content on player reports, unconstructive application comments, and posting unrelated content on ban appeals. As HAB pointed out, you are also ban evading. Please wait out your ban. If I see any more posting from your alt I will extend the ban on both.
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