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Helper Application from SammyBuckets

Discussion in 'Denied' started by SammyBuckets, Jan 1, 2017.

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  1. SammyBuckets

    SammyBuckets Popular Meeper

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    Member Name SammyBuckets

    Additional In Game Names: lax76- I go onto my brothers account CommunismCraft

    How old are you? 10

    Location: IL, United States

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) Typically 6-10 hours

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-6 hours

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IN's Twomoo1119, TheOrangeGeek.

    When did you join Meepcraft? November 2015

    Introduction: MeepCraft deserves the best staff, and I think I could be apart of the Staff Team. I am a casual Meeper with a normal Meep life, which is not anything out of the ordinary. I am used to helping people by now, but I am sure everyone is also. We can’t all be staff, but even if not we can all act like it. I want to take on this position on this MineCraft Server, and I know it will benefit all of us.

    Why should you be Helper? I have been coming up with some ideas to improve Meep, and some that are not as good. I think I could be a great addition to moderating on the global chat, helping Meepers whenever they are having trouble, and also some who are new and need guidance. I have been trying to become a better Meeper, and I believe I can exceed from the simple tasks I do in global. I think I can move onto more challenging things, and especially things that take more than just a couple seconds to fill out. As many can see, I am a very active Meeper, starting to be a more kinder, friendlier, Meeper. I am trying my hardest on becoming the best I can be, and trying to make others the best they can be. I know I can be a great addition to the staff team, and create a more friendly environment to MeepCraft.

    What are your weaknesses? I am usually consumed into the conversation when someone brings up the idea of Politics. I can also go through “phases” in which I can do inappropriate things on MeepCraft, like the incident last time when I applied. I am now starting to control these, but don’t get surprised if it slips in once or twice.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I think I can relate to things people are going through, but not all. I am young, so I can understand a lot of things people my age act like. I think this will make a large addition to the MeepCraft staff team, and I know some of you will think that also.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Yourr immature, make silly suggestions, and a sketchy amount of donation helps.
  3. LargeUnit

    LargeUnit Celebrity Meeper

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    I've personally had wayyyy too many bad experiences with you. I think you have some good staff qualities, but need a lot more maturing.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
    ~Peper~ likes this.
  4. Khafra

    Khafra Celebrity Meeper

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    I mean what did you expect?

    Your app is short, you include no detail in any part of it - in your introduction you tell us that you play MeepCraft and you sound extremely narcissistic about how the staff team needs you and how it will benefit them.

    Your main point is that you help people, but you sound as if you cannot help someone without blue chat and a special green tag. Normal players are allowed to make suggestions, just saying. You shouldn't be "starting to be a more kinder, friendlier, Meeper." you should already have characteristics as a helper should by the time you click Post Reply on the application.

    edit: dead memes aren't funny Screenshot
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
    metr0n0me, smk, 00000 and 5 others like this.
  5. xXAdotXx

    xXAdotXx Bibliophile Extraordinaire

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    i'm at a -1
    your application is very short and didn't really give me any information, i'm sure you could think through this a lot more and add some more great details. there just really isn't enough info there about your skills and weaknesses that could be compared in order to determine whether or not you'd be good at being staff. you've got the drive and the enthusiasm, keep working on the weaknesses people are pointing out as well as the ones you've stated, and you'll be golden.
    ~Peper~ likes this.
  6. 00000

    00000 Guest

    I saw this coming a mile away, what with your attempts to be helpful. While they weren't overly annoying or goody-goody, I think you need a lot more time to become more mature before you can be considered for staff. You are young, and definitely more mature than many other children your age. Despite that, you need to write a good application if you want to be considered, for the most part. Work on weaknesses such as maturity, and continue improving on anything else people will raise as a concern. -1
    ~Peper~ likes this.
  7. qazini

    qazini Neighborhood Panini

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    I didn't sign up to be a reference Sammy. Unless I'm wildly mistaken, you need to ask people before you put them as references, and you never talked to me about that. So unless I am mistaken, please remove my name from your references list.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 1, 2017, Original Post Date: Jan 1, 2017 ---
    On the app itself, I agree with everyone else, I do not think you are mature enough to be staff yet. I would want to see more sincerity and evidence of you actually working to be staff. That means that your application should show time and consideration. Your into tells us nothing about yourself, it is honestly kind of confusing. Your whole application needs to be longer, with an introduction that tells about yourself, so that we can get to know you a little, and a longer, more thought out weakness section. -1.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  8. aubreyandnathan

    aubreyandnathan Well-Known Meeper

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    +1 I Really Liked Your Application, I Think You Deserve To Be A Helper Because I Know How Hard You Are Willing To Help Someone Who Needs It. You Are A Very Sweet Person Who Would Make A Addition To The Meepcraft Staff Team! You Deserve To Be A Helper!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 1, 2017, Original Post Date: Jan 1, 2017 ---
    btw I'm Aubo :p
    Aubo's_Stalker likes this.
  9. tornado307

    tornado307 Popular Meeper

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    -1 . I can see from the application you want this. However you have not put in your paragraph why you are a good "people person". If I apply for example I would say because I am a black belt and volunteer at the tots karate I know discipline. Or how I am a boy scout and I think that I am a very well rounded person. In my opinion I believe you are a good person but you need to explain that before you submit your next application.

    Oh and don't look how it says I'm "new meeper" I'm twister307/lizard284 so I know what I'm talking about.
    RetroJo likes this.
  10. TheTastyNacho

    TheTastyNacho Celebrity Meeper

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    Your intro is supposed to tell us something about you. It tells us nothing other than the fact that YOU think you would be a good helper and how not everyone can be a good helper

    Bad grammar drives me nuts

    This does not benefit your app in any way

    Lastly, I rarely see you in global chat
    Sorry Sammy but I just really can't see you as staff -1
    RetroJo likes this.
  11. Adrian

    Adrian Epic Staff Member Administrator

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    Sounds interesting feel free to post them in discussion
    tbh ive never seen you help
    This brings me to my last point I dont see you in global all that often but when i do i see you fighting
    -Bad App too
    -You need to ask @Twomoo @Qazini and @TheOrangeGeek to be referenced
    qazini and RetroJo like this.
  12. RetroJo

    RetroJo Celebrity Meeper

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    Sorry man but you seem too young for staff.I don't think there are that much meepers your age as well. I don't really see you as a staff sorry so its a -1 from me.
    TheTastyNacho and Adrian like this.
  13. qazini

    qazini Neighborhood Panini

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    Suggestions would be more suitable for the topic of ways to improve Meep, but same difference.

    Thanks Adrian :D
    Adrian likes this.
  14. minetifa

    minetifa Celebrity Meeper

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    -literally trying to scam the server out of money by putting up fake donation help requests with obviously (since the math is wrong lol) fake amounts of money written onto paypal w/ inspect element

    -"can we mail money to fuzzlr for ranks? think about it"

    -extremely immature. you're 10 years old, that is not old enough to be moderating a whole community of people. unless youre a rare case, and judging by the previous two points youre not

    -on forums, all you do is TRY to help which is nice, but most of the things ive seen you write (on technology based threads) either makes no sense or are just straight lies. like you tried saying a firewall protects from malware and that you cant get hacked if you have a firewall??? 2004 hacker movie scene right there

    -your application was short -- there was ZERO detail
    Toostenheimer, 00000, Natsu and 6 others like this.
  15. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    You are a great person, I worked closely with you when you were in the town, but you are pretty young and you've done some things that you seriously need to work on.
  16. aubreyandnathan

    aubreyandnathan Well-Known Meeper

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    It Doesn't Matter How Old He Is, He Is Very Smart And Has A Great Vocabulary For His Age, He Seems To Know What He's Doing. He's A Very Kind Person And I Think You Should All Delete Those -1's And Turn Them Into +100000000000000000000000000000000000's :) :) :)
    Aubo's_Stalker and SammyBuckets like this.
  17. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Nobody is going to begin to say he is sub par for his age, what your saying is likely true and he is mature and smart for his age, but thats just it. for his age. He could be as mature and smart as a 12 year old, but we don't really want 12 year olds.

    He stole 1.6mil in gold blocks from me a 3 weeks ago.
    Toostenheimer and minetifa like this.
  18. minetifa

    minetifa Celebrity Meeper

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    back in 2014 all of the people who are now 15-16 thought that grammar and vocabulary gauges how smart/mature somebody is

    if you can't use the words you're using correctly, does it really make you look smart? lol

    PLUS "for his age" is a really nice strawman

    We don't want people with the maturity of a 10 year old running our server. We want people who are mature. Being "mature for 10 years old" is not anything to brag about lol
  19. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Okay, Sammy.

    As I say to many young applicants, I don't have any personal issues with you at all, but I have many concerns with you getting a staff position. I will be explaining these one by one so you have some things to improve upon.

    First, with your application. It is too short and contains almost no detail whatsoever. I do appreciate your correct grammar. With your references, you need to ask them before listing them. How do you know they agree with you getting helper if you don't ask? In your introduction, you need to include more about yourself and how you are more qualified for helper than others, not how you are average and fit. We don't need people that are average. In your why section, you need to list and explain the positive characteristics about you that qualify you for helper. Go into detail and give specific examples and how you can help. Just trying to be something is not going to make you helper. You need to be it before you get it. In your weakness section, you need to address your negative qualities, such as immaturity and your history. You need to tell us how you can improve and why we can trust you. You need to put way more effort in your application if this is going to be accepted.

    Second, with your ban history. You were banned a few months ago for hacked client, I believe. What have you learned from it, and how can we trust you? Hacking is something that can ruin the experience of other meepers. You need to address this. Also, your other account, lax76, has been very toxic in chat, and have been kicked multiple times. How do we know that you and your brother won't be stupid and cause us problems?

    Third, with your theft, and negative relationships you have with other people. Many people are claiming that you have been illegally stealing from others.
    What's the situation? You need to address specific issues here as well.

    Fourth, with your money transaction for ranks. You have possibly been trying to scam the server by editing the transaction IDs and filing a refund request. This has never been addressed and it is unacceptable. What did you buy to get a purchase of $224? You might get a ban but not a helper position from this.
    Link: Ultimate Rank

    Fifth, with your immaturity. You are ten years old, and age doesn't disqualify you from helper, but your immaturity does. You have been immature both on the forums and in game. I don't even see you in discord at all. All staff members need to be mature and you need to get over the wall of immaturity. I'm not saying you need to be 100% formal and mature at all times. No. Just be mature in public and don't annoy people.

    Sixth, with your suggestions. You say that they are going to help meep, but how? I feel that your suggestions aren't as productive as they should be.

    Overall, you have too many issues and not many staff qualifying characteristics. Work on them, and you will get it some day, but don't be impatient. I hate to say this but this is the truth, and this is how I feel.

    Strong -1.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
  20. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    I think you could become staff in the future, just enjoy the game for now ;)
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