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Helper Application from Billybob12

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Billybob12, Mar 6, 2016.

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  1. Billybob12

    Billybob12 Active Meeper

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    Member NameBillybob12

    Additional In Game Names:xSuper25

    How old are you?15


    Do you have TeamSpeak?Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays)1-3

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends)1-4

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server?No

    References: Please give IGN's

    When did you join Meepcraft?October 3rd, 2015

    Introduction:I have applied for helper before but I get where I went wrong. I am William. Helping is right up my alley. I love the server since I joined. I joined when a friend told me about it. I am 15 and I am in 9th grade. I play as long and often as possible. Now I am looking to give back to the server as much as i can. I am ready to become part of meepcraft staff

    Why should you be Helper?I am really good at helping people. I am a lot of the time not busy on the server so I can help. I have been inspired by other helpers and mods. I have a bunch of server knowledge. I can really be a help to the server.

    What are your weaknesses?I have many weaknesses. I sometimes am 1/3 the time busy and can't help but the other 2/3 I am not busy. That is kinda a weakness. I will try and overcome them.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know:I really don't have anything else to say. I hope this makes up for the other one.
  2. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    The app looks like it was written in 2 minutes.
    Never seen you before.

    Good luck!
  3. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    hi :3
    This isn't too good of an intro. Try taking a full paragraph, tell us all about you.
    you can help people without having the helper tag. Just look for people asking questions in shout and answer them! This will not only help them but it'll also show everyone you know the ins and outs of the server.
    What do you mean? Is your weakness that you bully people? Is it when people bully you?
    Go more in-depth to this, tell us how you're working on your weaknesses too.
    Again, you can help without the helper tag.

    Overall, the app showed little effort. I suggest being active on all 3 aspects of the server, and apply after you work really hard on your activity and your application. Look in accepted apps for good examples.
  4. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    -1. You announced your application in /g. You don't help at all. You're introduction and Helper app were complete rubbish - sorry, but its true. You bully people or people bully you? Which way is it? I have an extremely hard time believing you're "15" as you were being immature in chat. You are never on TS. dont talk like this it annoys some people. 1 and 2 hours won't benefit the staff team. You're ign is not xSuper it's xSuper25. You are fairly new, and I don't think you're familiar with the Meep community. Go out there and make friends, you need some references! It is my custom to wish you good luck in which I shall, good luck.
  5. Liz

    Liz Celebrity Meeper

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    Hi Billy!!
    -I don't know you very well
    -Basically all you said in your app was that you help.
    -You said that your weakness is bullying. We do not want a Helper to be a bully
    Ways to fix:
    +Look at other people applications and get ideas of what your app should look more like.
    +Maybe talk a bit more in global
    +Stop bullying :)
    Good Luck!
    Trexy likes this.
  6. Billybob12

    Billybob12 Active Meeper

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    I meant to stop bullying. Srry
  7. Billybob12

    Billybob12 Active Meeper

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    My references is all staff. They are really helpful and I look up to them. Now I am ready to join them.
  8. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    References are people you asked who want you as staff.. Not people you look up too.. -1
  9. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    First; you cannot apply again in the same day for mistakes. Second; Did you get all the staff's approval befire putting them in your application? This was only a little bit better than the application you made about 2 hours ago. I am still, at this point, a -1. I wish you best of luck. As you continue on Meep, I will attempt to monitor you and re-comment on your application(s)
  10. Pyrotechboys

    Pyrotechboys Popular Meeper

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    This application seems like it was written in like.... 1min i suggest looking at other accepted applications GL! :)
    PeriHeika likes this.
  11. Billybob12

    Billybob12 Active Meeper

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    srry refrences didnt get registered. here they are.
    refrences ign's = SHARIFI2014
  12. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    You are, at this time, being rather salty and impatient in game, complaining about how staff haven't gotten to your app yet. You then told cooey to nose out of y our business in a rather rude fasion, I quote: ''Why don't you become admin. Keep your nose where it belongs.''

    From this I can see your impatience and immaturity. You aren't fit for staff if you're going to complain about silly things in global.
  13. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    You made your first application not too long ago, but minutes after you started getting negative replies, you made a second one, which was this application. Your intro starts off with:
    I'm sorry, but you can't just make another application minutes after you get negative replies. That tells me that you can't handle criticism. Once you make your application, you cannot make any changes until the staff decide if they will accept you or not.

    Lol your references aren't the staff team. You don't/didn't help them in any fashion whatsoever and you didn't ask them to be your "reference".

    No, you are not good at helping people. You don't help people at all, you're downright rude. vv
    When your application is up, that doesn't give you the right to boss people around. Cooey is a kind player, and you can't just do that to him.

    That's not a weakness. Weaknesses are any personal issues you have in life and/or in-game. If you have many weaknesses, state them please instead of just saying you have many. Most players, by now, already picked out two main weaknesses for you: Immaturity and Impatience.

    I don't think you deserve helper at this time.
    This, again, tells me that you can't handle criticism. Do NOT ever post this on an application, everyone can post their opinion about you.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
    cooey and Cherrykit like this.
  14. Niiicck

    Niiicck Retired SuperMod

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    Hey Billy!
    For right now I'm going to give you a -1.
    You seem like a very nice person and really want to become helper. Theres some things I suggest before becoming a good helper. You should get active on Teamspeak, forums and in game. Also spend some more time in your application. I suggest maybe reapplying in 1-2 months. Work on these and you can sprout out to become an awesome helper!
    Good Luck!! :)
    KaiUsesThis likes this.
  15. Billybob12

    Billybob12 Active Meeper

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    Right now I would like no other responses except for staff. Have a nice day.
  16. PeriHeika

    PeriHeika Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello Billybob12, I am going to give you a -1.
    -Get on Teamspeak sometime. Don't be shy, we won't bite!
    -Your references are pretty empty. Try to get some more. While references aren't the most important part of an application, keeping the section empty isn't the best either. The more the merrier! Remember to ask the players before making them a reference.
    -This application is really short. Explain yourself in more detail. Sum up for the players who don't know you. If there is less than a paragraph of information in an application, it probably isn't enough. I believe there is more to say about yourself in the "why" section as well. I would highly suggest looking at the "accepted" part of applications for a good picture of what we're looking for. Remember, editing an application, or filing two at the same time, is frowned upon.
    -Being inactive isn't the only weakness someone has. We're looking for more personality-based problems here. Do you get angry easily? Are you shy? What issues could make being staff an issue?
    -This is probably going to be my biggest concern:
    We keep comments open for a reason. Their opinion is important. If there is a belief that a player cannot have their say, then how can we expect you to have the communities best interests in mind? I believe that their opinions are just as important as mine. I don't see how someone can be guidance to a person if they're not willing to listen.
    All in all, my advice is to be more active, and more open to the community. Learn what being a helper is all about, and try to be fairly kind to the people around you. We, as a community, are trying to give you advice, and I have no intention to bash on you.

    Please take some of this advice into consideration, and have a good day. If you need help with anything please feel free to contact me.
    GroovyGrevous, cooey, Muunkee and 5 others like this.
  17. _Smarties910_

    _Smarties910_ Popular Meeper

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    The only time I have seen you in-game was to promote your helper application, which is not very great.
    I have never seen you on Teamspeak or Forums.
    Overall I have never seen helpfulness from you, and you are not very active or involved on any and all platforms.
  18. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    Just gonna leave this here:
    Screenshot 2016-03-08 at 4.27.31 PM.png
    You left this on the thread "Mooville" that was asking for help with their taxes and you decided to put them down because they "scam" people.
  19. SillySilver

    SillySilver Celebrity Meeper

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    This here alone gives me enough reasons to give you -1.
    You do not seem to be able to take critic at all. If you can't take it, don't apply for Helper. Everyone's opinion matters, not only Staff members. Community is important in Meepcraft, you need to understand that.
    I would put more comments here, but everyone else pretty much said what has to be said. I am on -1 due these reasons. Good luck with future.
  20. KaiUsesThis

    KaiUsesThis Celebrity Meeper

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    Billy, huge - 1.

    I recall that you posted multiple application. Not exactly a good start.
    Let's talk about your forums. Not too many posts, as well as not being very nice to some people and towns on the forums. Post around more, and get to know the sections of the forums and community. It's a great way to get to know people.
    As for your application, it looks like you quickly wrote it. Like many people said, expand more and talk more about everything. Include more details, supporting facts, and grammar. :)

    I've never had any experiences with you on ts or in game, so I can't say anything much.

    Good luck!
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