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Helper Application from NickxGold

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Niiicck, Feb 17, 2016.

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  1. 2leah2

    2leah2 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey Nick!
    I didn't really know you before your last application, you have always been "that guy everyone knows, but doesn't talk to" when i saw your first application i choose to talk to you for the first time. All our conversations was really just me asking into your application and how you thought it would go. You gladly answered all my questions and you certainly didn't hestitate to answer. Nick, you are such an amazing guy and you do so many good thing's, for me and basically just for anyone you see. When you finished your interview and was waiting on response that's were i really got to know you. I asked how did it go on a scale from 1-10 and you were confident and said 8 out of 10, you were calm and you didn't stress or anything, I don't even understand how calm you seemed to be, if I were you I would have been really anxious to know what was gonna happen.

    Of course, you got accepted. I didn't doubt it one second. You are a great guy with only the best intentions and honestly it was fair enough to demote you but you really deserve another shot at helper, i know you have learned from your mistake in the past and i know you'll never do it again.

    +1 and best of luck.

    It's only fair to give him another chance, so he can show you that he did change and he did learn from his mistake, i'm sure he regrets it very much.
    Niiicck and LadyCassandra like this.
  2. Marthacuddles

    Marthacuddles Celebrity Meeper

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    i think you are ready to become staff on meep good luck :)
    Niiicck and iiTzJDL like this.
  3. CaptainCluckers

    CaptainCluckers Popular Meeper

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    +Kind, Fun to talk to
    +Generous but fair

    This Kid is one of the most trust worthy and helpful person I've ever met on meep. Nick is an amazing person who will put anyone in need of help, first no matter his own personal situations. A lot of you are looking at his demotion as a punishment but it was far from it. Nick was demoted for reasons(Private) that don't effect his abilities to help, therefore I strongly believe he deserves this position. Ever since that demotion nick has been working so hard to get this position back. Every day that he's on he's constantly welcoming new players and helping in global at times staff isn't even on. He was promoted to helper once and he should be again.
    Niiicck likes this.
  4. FatBrownMan

    FatBrownMan Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey nick!

    When I first met you I was surprised on how kind you were. Helpful kind doesn't get angry. I personnaly would LOVE to see you as staff so you get one of the stronget +1's I've ever given in my life.

    GOOD LUCK! - Kiyonato or as you knew me Jiku

    Niiicck likes this.
  5. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

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    Hey Nick :)
    My vote is a +1: You are active in game, friendly and helpful. Just a thing, probably increase your forums and Ts activity!
    Good luck, I want to see you on the team again, and probably get to know you better!
    Niiicck likes this.
  6. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    I'll be honest with you Nick, I feel that you have not improved enough to show me that you can take on this position again. True, all of the staff members have made their mistakes, but being demoted after 3 days tells me that you did something very wrong, don't ya think? As Muunkee said, you were pretty 'salty' when you lost the position, which really shows your immaturity. I've made my mistake too, but I'm actually trying to learn fully from it. I don't know what you have been doing to improve, if you have been at all, but that's because we don't really keep in touch. I feel that it is too early for you to take this on again.

    I do wish you good luck, but this -1 stays.
  7. HotAsianBeans

    HotAsianBeans Celebrity Meeper

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    A good helper doesn't get demoted in 3 days.
    lordusan, Draqq, iiTzJDL and 2 others like this.
  8. Miku

    Miku One Hell of a Miku Staff Member Mod

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    No, I don't like it when people lie. We don't need it on the staff team.
    You don't help out as much anymore.
    I think you need to wait longer.
    cooey, lordusan, Cherrykit and 5 others like this.
  9. Niiicck

    Niiicck Retired SuperMod

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    I did not edit my application.
  10. Niiicck

    Niiicck Retired SuperMod

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    Thank you for all your comments. :p
  11. sicklynerd

    sicklynerd Celebrity Meeper

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    Are you sure your dedication is to this server (lol) I've found a bunch of apps for staff on other servers. I think rather than you want to become helper for the overall benefit of the server, you just want it for the power (not to mention there was rumors of you copying other people's apps).

    Let me make this clear: I solemnly, whole heartedly, utterly regret giving you a '+1' on your first app.

    Now for full details:

    The day you were promoted, you were abusing permissions: /tping me, moving me in teamspeak (didn't even have the guts to be honest and say it was him) ect. I would never, for the love of god trust you with modreqs.
    -1 to say the least

    Ps: this is the first time I agree with xChaos, on literally anything.
    cooey, lordusan, Cherrykit and 3 others like this.
  12. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    Before I can vote, can you give a reasoning to your demotion and exactly how you've improved?
  13. Niiicck

    Niiicck Retired SuperMod

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    The reason I was demoted was because of plagiarizing. I doubted my self on my writing skills and decided to copy parts of other peoples apps. Ive learned my mistake and know what I did wrong.
    KaiUsesThis, Pmx728 and Trexy like this.
  14. Cookieman513

    Cookieman513 Kingpin

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    I think you could be helper for these reasons!

    -Has Respect
    MoonlitMadness and Niiicck like this.
  15. ~Kiki~

    ~Kiki~ Meeper

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    When first joined meep, I couldn't find a town, so I quit for 3 months. Then when I came back I asked for a town, and Nick offered me a plot. He was really kind and made me feel welcomed!~ You would make great staff :)

    Good luck!~
    Niiicck likes this.
  16. anikin ultimate

    anikin ultimate Popular Meeper

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    You've been here quiet some time and I see you a lot. However I don't see you help much, but that's just me, and everyone seems you like you. +1 from me.
    Niiicck likes this.
  17. LordMellow

    LordMellow SuperMellow

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    +1 because Nick is basically on when ever im on and he is very active :)
    Niiicck likes this.
  18. Techkneeq

    Techkneeq Meeper

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    Recently joining the server, I had many questions and would always message people for help. I point that stands out is when I asked for somebody to take a couple minutes out of their time to help me test something on my plot. I honestly hadn't expected anyone to help out ;c but Nick jumped immediately on the opportunity to help me. I was especially grateful at how he exercised his patience with me when i didn't know what things meant or how to do them.

    I've seen his name in /shout many times, so I can conclude from this he's definitely got a presence in this server, something essential to staff members.
    I can only assume from the help I witnessed, that he is glad to help, lend a hand, and his patience did not seem to be wearing thin with me (bravo on that lol). I'll give you a +1 with a note that you've made entering this server for me easier, so I thank you.
    Niiicck likes this.
  19. PeriHeika

    PeriHeika Celebrity Meeper

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    NickxGold, you're a good kid to communicate with. It's obvious that the community likes you, and I believe in second chances. However, there has been lots of proof since you were last helper that you are not ready to be staff.
    I'm sorry Nick, but it's a -1 from me.
    -I follow rules of double jeopardy, but your last demotion still flies around in the back of my head. We all know it was foolish. It would have been more clever to wait as you still have that red mark of demotion on your forehead. Get the tag off.
    -It was also not right to assume references. Whether it's fixed now or not, that was a problem that could have easily been prevented. I am also unhappy with your exclusion of regular players in the reference part of your application compared to staff members. It's not nice to kick the people who trust and care about you aside.
    -Commenting every other post, whether it be positive or negative, does not look good. Try to be more patient.
    -There have been times where you will kiss up to people so you can get what you want. Then after either getting what you desire or failing, you talk behind their backs in such a way that proves your dishonesty. Sure, you're nice and helpful, but it's an act.
    -I do not appreciate it when the people I care about are being targeted by you to change their votes or comment on your application. It makes me question who really gave you a +1 for the right reason. This makes me extremely unhappy.
    I don't know why you insist on lying to the server. I really wanted to give you a +1, but I am no longer comfortable with the thought of you being a staff member.
    cooey, lordusan, Trexy and 6 others like this.
  20. The_Unkown675

    The_Unkown675 Celebrity Meeper

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    You are always kind to me, and when i ask for help, you help.

    Don't get demoted again.

    Don't let me down
    Niiicck likes this.
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