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Kyrinni0S staff re-application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Kyrinni0S, Aug 24, 2013.

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  1. Kyrinni0S

    Kyrinni0S Popular Meeper

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    In Game Name: Kyrinni0S
    Skype Username: Kyrinni0S
    Teamspeak Username: Kyrinni0S

    Mic use: forever and ever, amen yes i use mine

    Age: 27
    Timezone: Utc 4:00 Atlantic

    Hours online per weekday: between 13 - 17 a day (~11am - ~4am)
    Hours online per weekend: 12 a day

    Position Changes: Ultimate to helper

    Introduction: Julian Perry, i'm 27, i have training as a cook, and in managing a restaurant without the buisness myself :( i spend alot of my spare time playing on meepcraft on an average i'm sure i can hit about 15 hours a day. i started playing on meepnetworks i think january and was taken as staff after a little time. i'm very easy going, relaxed about most things and very patient. this would be my second time applying for a moderator position. i consider myself very quick to learn at most things, after a little bit of explaination i tend to pick things up fast. i tend to put my all in where appropriate as well. Minecraft is my creative output just as legos would be in alot of cases. to build what you have in your mind. i'm not a big PVP player so i tend to stay away from the terrarium all the time. every second week i tend to take off and spend it off with the family and missus, have them over etc. i need some times away from this to cool over things heh, this only lasts about 2-3 days then i'm on for almost 2 weeks again. i have to say though at one point i worked in a call center and i have experenced and heard some pretty amazing things, some disgusting things, and some halarious things. especially when they think we cant hear them. i've gained a good sence of humor none the less in even the more serious side of things. I'm almost always in game watching the chat, to talking to someone, as well as on teamspeak, sure theres people that i talk to consistantly, and i enjoy time just catching up. i do consider a job taking priority over working in the server at the time i havent a job so i will be investing all my time into it until the time comes. i spend alot of time working around the town, building, destroying, adjusting etc. so i tend to spend alot of time doing random odd jobs that are needed while i'm on but i find it a break from the normal.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod: i'm passionate about the server, and most of the people in it, and they're very good people, as the server itself does have a few bugs it by far is the best server i've been on. i have experience dealing with people and players, in multiple aspects, as i worked at a call center, and a few customer related positions for jobs. i've grown to be very patient with both people that generally tend to be slow at understanding as well as those that mean to get you aggrivated. i have interest to be a moderator but new server new point of view, starting at the bottom to get to know the new community as well as get an understanding of how the old community is back into the updates. i tend to be very mature in how i deal with issues as they arise and how i deal with people, some things about that include things that become personal and that you cant take it that way, you need to realize that alot of things if taken personal could make things worse. so i tend to be very relaxed (which i think i've said before) about what people say, when it comes to reasonable arguments. i have learned to take aggrivation fairly well and as such think i could make for a good moderator if provided the chance. i put up my best front at all times and generally see my modreqs through, making sure all the questions are answered and to the full extent rather then the single question and done. sometimes people have more then their immediate issue, and what cuts between"doing the job" and "doing it right" is how much time you're willing to invest to the specific person. i tend to put the player first and i would give alot for some. There is alot of times i see things come up in chat and nothing gets done about them, sometimes randomly through the day and even moreso later at night while theres few moderators on, or they're doing their own thing. i can do modreqs efficiently and effectively very quickly but thats only fixing their immediate issues, and can lead to another modreq later down the road, so i would rather take a little longer and see it through that they have no further issues. maybe a weakness? i think its a strength but different people think it differently.

    Weaknesses: I am normally very non-judgemental but for me past experiences do tend to put up a very large yellow flag if something comes up that looks like it could make issues repeat. to me, i believe that some people have reasons for their actions but maturity lies in how those reasons are given. i stand up for friends i make so i can come off a little argumentitive but its ment to be constructive which is another fault. i can kinda sound like a broken record but i've always had scripting to go by so its just find something that works, and stick to it. but it doesnt affect the job thats being done. sometimes while in teamspeak when theres alot of people talking at once i tend to move away, 4-5 people talking at once easily give me a headache when i cant understand a word a single one is saying. Maturity stands out to me, and i dont see that as a problem even though some would, meaning i tend to hang out with the mature crowd, this doesnt mean that i favor them, i just find it easier to have conversation. i read posts on forums but i dont post unless its relatave to me in one way or another so i dont have a large number of posts on the forums and spamming forums with "thats so true dude" and "meh, whatever" isnt going to help any judgement in moderating ability.

    Conclusion: "i am young enough to know everything, yet old enough to know nothing." i know my way around and theres never a bottom line to most statements. you always have more to learn, and more things to fix about how you act, how you percieve, and how you handle things. just knowing rules will never get you ahead and just following them will get you in trouble. this is a game, this is where people come to have their fun, wether it be helping or building, pvp or your own personal interest. we all come for something and we all tend to look at it as a game. so as much time as you spend as a staff member its important to look at it as well as this is a game. this is also for your enjoyment as well. I do not intend to be a slave as a staff member for that reason, it is a game as well, i had put well over 90% of my time prior, this will not be so this time as i need to enjoy myself as well in this game. but it will not stop me from being helpful in the mean time. as theres lots you can do.

    Closing Statements: All in all, thank you again for investing the time on this application, i look forward to a responce. i hope to get some interesting feedback, provided its constructive
  2. savvvy420

    savvvy420 Popular Meeper

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    +1 this app is amazing! :) You were a great helper before and I think you would be an amazing addition to the staff!!! So glad you posted this!!!
  3. The_Squirrelman

    The_Squirrelman Popular Meeper

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    Dude, the app. It's beautiful. I love what you had to say, especially with your wanting to help out on what's not done. You related experience at a call center to here, which is very much like the modreq system. I'm glad you have these great things to say, now let's move on to your in game records and experience.

    Teamspeak activity - phenomenal.

    Forum activity - Acceptable - Below Average

    In game work-

    When you were a Helper at MN, you were a helper for three months. Three months. Most of the others got themselves promoted through their work, but there were always issues with your inactivity, lack of anything done. We would try to talk to you, address your work, and boost you, because boosting before demoting is always the route to go. Your work would sprout for a few days, heightening our hopes, then suddenly, it would stop. You complained to players and other staff alike about how your work was not appreciated, and how you did so much but was never promoted. It was simply because there was no work there. Deinen once told me you were uncoachable. Others have told me you had little initiative. Now you've made a few donations, joined a teamspeak clique, and have made another app receiving a fast reply that I can only assume was asked for in teamspeak. However, I feel it necessary to state that in MN, Kyrinn had no work done on forums, or in paperwork, and his modreq count was the lowest of all, despite having the longest term ever at the lowest staff position.

    Note: No inactivity noticies.

    Note 2: It might come off that I'm being a little harsh, but people I write negative reviews for often take it extremely personally. You're a good guy Kyrinn, with a good heart, I just don't see you putting it to work here on Meep Staff before, and in the future.
    FluffbearRCT and chaos546 like this.
  4. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    App= +1
    Activity -1
    /shout activity: -1
    -.5 from me

    Edit: You also had the lowest modreq count of all helpers and was never promoted to mod for a reason
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2013
  5. Kyrinni0S

    Kyrinni0S Popular Meeper

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    squirrelman: i took all critisizm and worked with it i did not complain about constructive things that was said about what i did. in reference to my working as helper for 3 months, it was always the issue of i would have to file an application to get promoted to moderator, and it was only about 3 months later that i filed that application. which i was turned down because none of the new moderators/helpers/ etc knew who i was..

    i did not complain to players about being appreciated and i mentioned to 3 people the issue of when i did ask questions on the staff chat everyone would talkabout non related staff issues and not respond to the issues i requested information about.

    regarding forums i specified i dont spam with messages that mean nothing or just as acknolegement. if it relates to me or someone i know i will post accordingly.

    and you know as well as lot of others that my modreq was only regarding towns none of the others were even taken onto a list, you tried to search and it came up i had 0 on all, as for alot of other moderators, so regardless of modreq done it always came up as zero. reggles i believe was able to and i'm not sure why he was and the other moderators wernt.
  6. Deinen0

    Deinen0 Guest

    Taha and Jackl01 like this.
  7. bass_flow

    bass_flow Celebrity Meeper

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  8. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    I've never worked with you.
    I barely see you in game.
    Your forum activity is substandard.

    I've heard great things from you.
    You have good TS activity.
    I personally loved this application, even though it is... full of grammar errors.

  9. FluffbearRCT

    FluffbearRCT Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I haven't seen much of your work, so posts like these really make bad impressions. At least put enough effort to proofread your posts and capitalize I's.

  10. Kyrinni0S

    Kyrinni0S Popular Meeper

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    Cross your i's and dot your t's :D
    shains and DancingCactus like this.
  11. FluffbearRCT

    FluffbearRCT Popular Meeper

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    The_Squirrelman likes this.
  12. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    That's Skewl.
  13. dilly1992

    dilly1992 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Plush One.

    You're nice.
    You're MATURE.
    You're very active Ingame and on TS.
    You're very familiar with the server rules.
  14. the_sexy_ninja

    the_sexy_ninja Popular Meeper

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    Are there any reasons? Or just biased?
  15. LukenDan

    LukenDan Celebrity Meeper

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    I is want moar forum activity, 33 posts isn't much, and your application grammar is pretty bad, you barely ever capitalized your "I"s, so for nao...

  16. Kyrinni0S

    Kyrinni0S Popular Meeper

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    biased? what does biased have to do with anything? do you realize how many times people post on applications +1 or -1? usually i just stab its a quick way to get say... an extra post on forums -.- without having to do much typing. and in reference to you luken, i dont bother capitalizing my "I's" on a forum where it usually means nothing if i do. if it was to get me a paying job for professionalism then it would make sence. not in reference to you or anyone in general, but there are those who are quite more un-professional then i am. jus sayin... jus sayin...
  17. LukenDan

    LukenDan Celebrity Meeper

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    Oh I know, it doesn't matter, but it makes you look more professional, on the old forums, many people would get very annoyed and -1 just from 1 non-capitalized "I", know that this is true, as I have been here much longer than you. Also, we want people who can type at least semi-correctly to run this server, not a bunch of hooligans...
    chaos546 likes this.
  18. Kyrinni0S

    Kyrinni0S Popular Meeper

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    Hooligans... I worked in a call center for a year and delt with more people then you have in the possible year or two of this server typing out paperwork like there was no tomorrow. Also I went through part of business management where I've had to write out business letters and deal with very strict teachers. Although I have not finished the course due to having to get surgery and ending up in debt a little because of it, I would hardly class not being able to use proper grammar or spelling a sign of being a hooligan or not. This is not to come off as snarky, but even the best of trolls would be able to do proper grammar. It all comes down to understanding what I am saying, and being mature enough to know this is not professionalism at work. Its about who knows what they're doing, who is not going to be childish when it comes to issues that come up, and knowing when to joke around and when not to. There is a time for everything. This server (and the forums therein: TO ME) I would class as a time for leisure so I throw proper grammar to the wind as it shows very little of a person when you pay attention.
  19. LukenDan

    LukenDan Celebrity Meeper

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    But it shows if one really cares about the server and the position they are applying for.
  20. chirp1234

    chirp1234 Celebrity Meeper

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    Ok, now that I think about it I never really see you IG so I'm gonna have to give you a +0
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