1. Hi there Guest! You should join our Minecraft server @ meepcraft.com
  2. We also have a Discord server that you can join @ https://discord.gg/B4shfCZjYx
  3. Purchase a rank upgrade and get it instantly in-game! Minecraft Discord Upgrade
by CluelessKlutz at 4:41 PM
(2,605 Views / 9 Likes)

A group of challengers making their way through Balloon parkour. Do you have what it takes?

Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works.

Server Updates

Free Fly Weekend

This weekend only, everyone can enjoy flying around the world in Towns!

Community/Server Events

Meepcraft Reddit AMA
A town hall was hosted this past week on the Meepcraft Reddit in which the staff team answered the most asked questions submitted by you! See the Reddit page linked below for more.

Mystical Olympics Fishing Tournament

The Mystical Olympics continue with the ongoing fishing tournament! See @AdrianBFaust for more!

Destiny Giveaway

Thanks to @Sooopa for hosting a giveaway of a code for Destiny!

Map Art Competition
Ever tried making artistic designs with maps? Well this one’s for...
by qazini at 9:29 PM
(3,348 Views / 11 Likes)

This is Manny, an NPC from Spawn. Manny wanted to say Hi.

Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works.

Community/Server Events

Map Art Competition
Ever wanted to create a custom artwork to frame on your wall? Participate now in trdavis25’s map art competition found here.

Reddit AMU/Townhall
With the revival of MeepCraft’s social media accounts, it has been decided to have an Ask Me Anything / Townhall discussion on Meep’s Reddit page. Find the information about the date and time here.

Bugs Squashed

After a long anticipated return, voting has been fixed!

Corrections to the Halo Spawn have been patched up.

MeepCraft Site and Server...
by smk at 8:31 PM
(3,660 Views / 8 Likes)
Everyone posing on Clue’s enormous ship after Meepcraft: Civil War

Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works.

Community/Server Events

The Mystical Olympics

The Mystical Nation has been putting on their very own Olympics! Information about the 1v1 Duels can be found Here.
Information about the 3v3 Halo tournament can be found Here.
Information about the Ice Boat Races can be found Here.

Redstone Invention Competition
Grab some redstone and head over to creative, because Agnd has started a Redstone...
by EllieEllie at 6:01 PM
(2,813 Views / 14 Likes)
CryptoSynergy’s Latest Creation

Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works.​

Community/Server Events

Rustic Building Contest
Grab your blocks and building skills and head on over to /warp creative, because @MrBiscuits1 is hosting a Rustic Building Contest. You can find the information for the event here!

The Road to Greatness Giveaway
Courtneyyy held a giveaway surrounding our Instagram account where you had to like and comment on a photo to be entered into the draw for meebles and amazing prizes! You can find more information and winners for the event here!

Server Updates

Our long...
by Courtneyyy at 8:42 PM
(3,102 Views / 13 Likes)

Did you happen to see Cooleys and Fuzzlr dressed up for the Spring Event? Don’t miss out a chance to ‘hop’ on over and see them at /warp easter. Thank you @PixelPooter for the picture enjoy your 5,000!

Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works.​

Community/Server Events

Don’t forget we only have TWO days left to take advantage of our 20% off Spring Sale! Also, to get your grinding in before we say goodbye to the Spring Event at /warp easter on the 15th
Make sure to check out the video @iPolarFlame made showcasing the event!! here

Recently Accepted Suggestions

Getting rid of chat tax
Like to talk a lot? So do we so we are removing the tax to chat!...
by Courtneyyy at 4:23 PM
(1,626 Views / 2 Likes)

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly around /warp towns? Do you know how cool it is to own a rare head? Did you know that all items in the store are 20% off? All these questions and we have the answers so make sure you enjoy the 20% off sale while it lasts throughout the Spring Event!​
by Courtneyyy at 1:47 PM
(2,585 Views / 4 Likes)

The Spring Event Q&A

We will be releasing the event today once all last minute changes are made, plugins are added, and everything is in working order! You might be asking what is the Spring Event and what is it that we offer? The Spring Event is something that was thought about to give the players something to participate in during Spring like we do with most Holidays and/or celebratory times. The event will take place at /warp easter and will include a quest, parkour map, mob arena, fishing competitions and an Easter egg hunt. I will go through each area and specify what you can find, how to navigate, and what sort of prizes are offered without giving away too much!

The Quest
After a lot of hard work and thought put into the quest we believe this is the best one Meep has seen. Although lengthy it is so worth the amazing 17k prize at the end of completing it! The quest will still be through the quest master at /warp quest....
by EllieEllie at 6:43 PM
(1,298 Views / 4 Likes)
Hey, everyone! Happy Easter!

As part of the celebrations on Meepcraft, @LordInateur has made a custom egg hunt plugin for the server. There were a lot of questions about how the plugin actually works so here is all the information you need below:

1. Right click the block underneath the eggs in order to "collect" them.
2. Lord and I won't tell anyone how many eggs there are.
3. Type /eehunt count to see how many you've found!
4. The people with the most eggs found win 20k. If people tie then each person gets 20k.
5. The winners will be announced in a server-wide announcement at 12 EST each day for three days (so far) and counts are reset at this time as well.
6. If you find any bugs, please report them to staff.
7. Eggs can be found in /warp towns, /warp spawn and /warp easter

I think that's it for now but if I think of anything else, I'll add it on here. If you have any questions, please ask below or you can contact @LordInateur and me...
by Courtneyyy at 5:26 PM
(2,800 Views / 18 Likes)
Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works. ​

Community Events
Medieval Windmill build Contest
@Achrow is back with another contest! Check it out here!

A Fun New Minigame Place Is Here!
MaestroLC and _RCHT_ will be hosting many competitions for games. Keep an eye out for them in game and on their thread here!

Server Updates
Nothing to report at this time!

Bugs Squashed
Trapped in Halo
An error with people getting stuck in Halo was fixed.

Halo Disguises
You can no longer use disguises in the Halo world.

Disguises in Spleef
You can no longer disguise in the spleef arena....
by CluelessKlutz at 10:38 PM
(2,844 Views / 15 Likes)
The New Halo Spawn from a distance
Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works.

Server Updates

Halo Map Update
The maps for Halo have been updated! Enjoy revamped construction, smoother gameplay, and fewer spawn camping spots! A new map has also been added to free for all.

Halo Spawn
A new Halo spawn has been added! See the Project for more.

Spawn Statues

The Administrator statues in Spawn have been updated!

Discord Updates

If you haven’t already noticed, we’ve updated the discord with some new channels! This includes operation-meep, which allows you to see progress made on Trello projects, as well as the trade channel! If you haven’t seen them, check them out!

Recently Accepted Suggestions
Towny Staff Taxes
Ever wanted a way to tax your town staff? With this, you...