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Yes, This One Will Probably Be Auto Denied.

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Woddorl, Feb 26, 2014.

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  1. Woddorl

    Woddorl Popular Meeper

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    Just to prove a point... Lazy reading is lazy reading. Just because I didn't do your 'bullet points' doesn't mean I didn't follow your format. In the tips/and tricks section it even says: "I understand that the bullets are not for everyone." Clearly, this is not understood. If a format is used as an excuse to be lazy, it's defeating the purpose. It had all the information you asked for, and then some.

    Since y'all are too lazy to actually read the application... Here it is with everything cut out and then added in the precious bullet points to spell it out for you. I'll even further bold the 'format' additions.

    [/quote]Greetings Meepsters, some of you might know me as In Game Name: Woddorl
    though some of you might know me by my skype name of Skype Username: Yllemsgnud (dungsmelly backwards, don't ask how I came to have such a name... let's just say I didn't give myself the name at the time :( ). Or maybe you know me as my Teamspeak name of Teamspeak Username: Reveton though honestly I doubt it, as I find teamspeak to be cumbersome with so many other better options available.Mic use:I'm also known for my deep, 'Barry White' voice*. For those of you who aren't sure who Barry White is, or what he sounds like: (See what I did here? I used an example of what I sound like over the Mic.)

    I'm a Age: twenty nine year old, Caucasian male living in the Timezone: mountain time zone. I consider myself a gamer and find myself spending most of my free time online, spending anywhere from Hours online per week(day/end): two to twelve hours** a day gaming, depending if I'm working or not. I'm currently a Position Changes: citizen of meepcraft in good standing (I've never been banned, I don't even think I've been temp banned. ), though, I do hold the donor rank of Supreme if that holds any bearing on if one becomes a moderator or not.

    Introduction: I should note, I work graveyards and keep the schedule, so, while I live in the mountain time zone, I keep hours closer to an Australian. Some of you might feel you don't know me, but if you think about it, how well do we really know anyone online anyway? Those of you who are somewhat familiar with me however, you will remember that I was once a Supermod for Meepcraft back in the days of Rosenow. Before I was a mod, I ran a very successful build company.
    Build for MrsMegan:
    An Epic build/project
    I built in my hometown, so big, CG and the Mods of the time were convinced it was hacked in and crashed the server removing it.
    I still get the most enjoyment from builds and redstone work in minecraft.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod ?:
    To those of you who would ask, 'why should you be a mod?!' I respond, why shouldn't I? I have a head on my shoulders, I'm leveled headed, I'm fair, I've never abused my powers when I had them and I can communicate (a rare talent, I know). Weaknesses: My greatest weakness however is that I get jaded.

    I believe myself overqualified for this position, while I do have my share of hiccups that naysayers might point out, but don't let them distract you from the fact: I am perfect for this job.

    Here's a video that pretty much sums up what I said.***

    *Only when I'm sick.
    ** may not include time spent on minecraft.
    *** okay, not really, but it's still an awesome video.
    [/end quote]

    If anything, I should be catching flaq (Like I always do with my applications) over the length. Instead, I put the 'length' into the format, so it would flow and make sense in a paragraph. I put more effort into your format, not less. I followed your format and it should not have been auto denied.

    Once again, to quote your own guide... "I understand that the bullets are not for everyone."
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    They say 'The bullets are not for everyone' Meaning the why section doesn't have to be broken up into parts. Iy can be divided, or into longer paragraphs. You seem a bit rude and I don't see you in /shout. -1
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 26, 2014, Original Post Date: Feb 26, 2014 ---
    Also, it definitely hasn't been 2 weeks ^.^
  3. SenorSparklz

    SenorSparklz Popular Meeper

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  4. Woddorl

    Woddorl Popular Meeper

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    You're right that is where he said it, but what he said isn't any less true, he said he understood that bullet points aren't for everyone. If bullet points aren't for everyone, why can't I tell them everything they want to know in paragraph form, with story included? I know which one I'd rather read, which one will let them know more about me as a person.
    I'm sorry if I'm coming out that way, I'm just trying to discourage laziness on the part of the readers. I'm sorry if my defense and issue with blanket statements applied to you as well.
    A valid point, thank you for your comment.
    Another valid point, why the title of the application is that it will probably be auto denied again. This post is more of an effort to get my application back from being in the 'auto denied' status.
  5. kevman967

    kevman967 Popular Meeper

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    I haven't really seen you in shout nor that much on the forums, but I think you are mature so I will +1 this.
  6. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    You obviously oblivious on who this guy is.

    So let me explain:

    He was a staff member on old meepcraft.

    So wynaut accept him?

    da ploos wahn
  7. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    •Nice on the forums
    •Short app
    •Hasn't been nearly 2 weeks so it will get auto-denied
  8. Danielrulesman

    Danielrulesman Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Yeah the app was short, but if you do not know who Woddorl is, then read this here:

    one hell of a dayum good staff member. He was staff a while back, and he was awesome.
    Videogames321 likes this.
  9. Nager2012

    Nager2012 Popular Meeper

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    Please accept this staff. Please.
  10. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    You were correct,
    Please wait 2 weeks before reapplying in that time use the feedback from both your applications to get an idea of what to work on.
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