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Denied Why Was I Temp Banned?

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Tobster911, Apr 1, 2014.

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  1. Tobster911

    Tobster911 Popular Meeper

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    Date/Time:april 1st
    reason: sexual content?
    staff member: Bluecarneal
    Why you should consider my appeal: First of all "wiley" is not a rude word and it does not mean what you think it does, also it is just a phrase me & my classmates like to say for a laugh. I did not intend for a ban I just intended to make people laugh & giggle and be like "what on earth does that mean" & how is a wiley ding even sexual in any way shape or form.

    Please un-ban me

    oscarhouston and Draqq like this.
  2. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    By now you know the rules, you have a plethora of chat bans. You were tempbanned because of the content of your chat. Please do not continue to try and push the limits and wait out your ban.
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