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Accepted Why Was I Banned? I Just Asked A Question :(

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by _-Kelis-_, Apr 19, 2014.

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  1. _-Kelis-_

    _-Kelis-_ New Meeper

    Likes Received:
    IGN: etrm12345
    Date/Time: 1-1/2 weeks ago
    Reason: Unspecified
    Ban Length: Permanent
    Staff Member: Onis_Luck
    Why we should consider your appeal: I was just asking when my modreq was going to be
    answered and I asked Onis_Luck: Can you please tell me when my modreq is going to be
    answered thanks I appreciate it :). Then he banned me :( Please ban him I have seen many
    appeals about him like this one where he banned a person for LOL THIS KID. Please consider it
    honestly I dont think he was a good choice as a staff member.
    Thanks for reading my appeal,
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2014
  2. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    you are unbanned
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